Municipal service. Municipal service Requirements for professional knowledge and skills necessary for the performance of official duties when filling positions of municipal service in the administration of the Bibirevo municipal district
According to Part 1 of Article 2 of the Federal Law of March 2, 2007 No. 25-FZ “On Municipal Service in the Russian Federation ”, the municipal service is understood as the professional activity of citizens, which is carried out on an ongoing basis in positions of the municipal service, filled by concluding an employment agreement (contract).
In everyday life, people often confuse the municipal service with the state civil service, identify them. However, the municipal service is a special type of professional activity, the existence of which is due to the specifics of local government as a special level of public authority.
The special legal status of bodies and officials of local self-government, including municipal employees, is determined by the constitutional principles of the organization of local self-government in the Russian Federation:
local self-government within its powers independently;
local self-government bodies are not included in the system
of state authorities;
local self-government ensures the independent solution by the population of issues of local importance, possession, use and disposal of municipal property;
local self-government in the Russian Federation
is carried out in the form of direct expression of the will of citizens
(referendum, elections, etc.), as well as through elected and other
bodies of local self-government;
the structure of local self-government bodies is determined by the population independently.
The totality of these constitutional legal norms forms the legal basis for the formation and implementation of municipal service in the Russian Federation.
The legal basis for regulating the issues of municipal service in the city of Moscow is the following regulatory legal acts:
Federal Law No. 131-FZ of 06.10.2003 “On
the General Principles of Organization of Local Self-Government
in the Russian Federation”;
Federal Law No. 25-FZ of 02.03.2007 “On Municipal Service in the Russian Federation”;
Labor Code of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2001 No. 197-FZ;
Law of the city of Moscow No. 56 dated 06.11.2002 “On the organization of local self-government in the city of Moscow”;
Law of the City of Moscow dated October 22, 2008 No. 50 “On Municipal Service in the City of Moscow”;
Charter of the intracity municipality in the city of Moscow;
certain municipal legal acts (for example, the decision of the Municipal Assembly "On the approval of the Regulations on the personnel reserve for filling vacant positions in the municipal service in the municipality of the intracity municipality in the city of Moscow", the decision of the municipal Assembly "On the approval of the Regulations on the competition for filling the position of the municipal service in the municipality of the intracity municipal formation in the city of Moscow”, the decision of the Municipal Assembly “On the approval of the Regulations on the encouragement of municipal employees of the municipality of the intracity municipality in the city of Moscow”, the order of the municipality “On the approval of the Code of ethics and official conduct of municipal employees of the municipality of the intracity municipality in the city of Moscow”, the decision of the municipal Meeting "On the establishment of qualification requirements for filling positions in the municipal service in the municipality of the intracity municipality in the city of Moscow", etc.).
Analyzing the essence and nature of the municipal service, the following features inherent in it can be distinguished:
1. Municipal service is an activity that develops in the sphere of power-public relations.
Local self-government is a form of public authority. Consequently, the municipal service, which develops in local governments, is of an authoritative-public nature.
2. The municipal service is called upon to ensure the implementation of the powers of local governments.
Municipal employees ensure the effective implementation of the powers of the executive and administrative body of local self-government - the local administration (municipality) in resolving issues of local importance and exercising certain state powers transferred to local self-government bodies. In addition, municipal employees in Moscow carry out organizational, technical, legal, informational, and economic support for the activities of the representative body of local self-government (municipal Assembly).
3. Municipal service is a professional activity.
The municipal service is built on the principles of professionalism and competence of municipal employees. This means that a citizen who wants to enter the municipal service must have an appropriate professional education, a certain length of service in the municipal or state service or work experience in the specialty, and have the necessary professional knowledge and skills.
4. Municipal service is carried out on a permanent basis. Substitution of the position of the municipal service is carried out by concluding an employment contract (contract).
The ratio of the state civil and municipal service can be determined as follows. State and municipal authorities exist in the same legal space. Not replacing, but complementing each other, they constitute a single public authority in the Russian Federation. Similarly, the state and municipal services, being separate, at the same time exist in close relationship.
This relationship between the municipal and state civil service in the Russian Federation is ensured through:
1) unity of basic qualification requirements
to positions of municipal service and positions of the state civil service;
2) the unity of restrictions and prohibitions during the passage of the municipal service and the state civil service;
3) unity of requirements for training, retraining
and advanced training of municipal employees and civil servants;
4) accounting for the length of service of the municipal service when calculating
the length of service of the state civil service and accounting for the length of service of the state civil service when calculating the length of service
of the municipal service;
5) the correlation of the main conditions of remuneration and social guarantees of municipal employees and state civil servants;
6) the correlation of the main conditions of the state
pension provision of citizens who have served in the municipal service, and citizens who have served in the state civil service, as well as members of their families in the event of loss of a breadwinner.
In accordance with Part 6 of Article 1 of the Law of the City of Moscow dated October 22, 2008 No. 50 “On Municipal Service in the City of Moscow”, a municipal employee is a citizen who performs in the manner determined by the charter of the municipality and other municipal legal acts in accordance with federal legislation and the laws of the city Moscow, duties on the position of the municipal service for the maintenance paid at the expense of the budget of the municipality.
At the same time, persons performing the duties of technical support for the activities of municipal bodies do not replace the positions of the municipal service and are not municipal employees.
In addition, it should be noted that deputies, members of elected bodies of local self-government, elected officials of local self-government, members of electoral commissions of municipalities acting on a permanent basis and being legal entities with a decisive vote, are not municipal employees.
As well as a deputy of a representative body of local self-government, a municipal employee can only be a citizen of the Russian Federation or a citizen of a foreign state - a party to an international treaty of the Russian Federation, according to which foreign citizens have the right to be in the municipal service.
Unlike the deputies of municipal assemblies, who in Moscow, as a rule, work on a non-permanent basis, the municipal service is a professional activity, for the implementation of which the municipal employee receives a financial allowance from the local budget.
Source: "How to enter the municipal service in the city of Moscow." Ezhukova O.A., Bragin A.V., Drozhzhina T.S. 2011 This publication has been prepared by the Moscow State Institution of the City of Moscow "Moscow Center of Local Self-Government" in cooperation with the Department of Territorial Executive Authorities of the City of Moscow.
The procedure for entering the municipal service
Regulated by Article 16 of the Federal Law of March 2, 2007 N 25-FZ
"On Municipal Service in the Russian Federation"
Article 16
1. Citizens who have reached the age of 18, speak the state language of the Russian Federation and meet the qualification requirements established in accordance with this Federal Law for filling positions in the municipal service, have the right to enter the municipal service, in the absence of the circumstances specified in Article 13 of this Federal Law as public service restrictions.
2. When entering the municipal service, as well as during its passage, it is not allowed to establish any direct or indirect restrictions or advantages depending on gender, race, nationality, origin, property and official status, place of residence, attitude to religion, convictions, belonging to public associations, as well as other circumstances not related to the professional and business qualities of a municipal employee.
3. When entering the municipal service, a citizen shall submit:
1) an application with a request to enter the municipal service and fill the position of the municipal service;
2) a self-filled and signed questionnaire in the form established by the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation;
3) passport;
4) work book , except for cases when the employment contract (contract) is concluded for the first time;
5) document on education;
6) an insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance, except for cases when an employment contract (contract) is concluded for the first time;
7) certificate of registration of an individual with a tax authority at the place of residence on the territory of the Russian Federation;
8) military registration documents - for those liable for military service and persons subject to conscription for military service;
9) the conclusion of a medical institution on the absence of a disease that prevents entry into the municipal service;
10) information on income for the year preceding the year of entry into the municipal service, on property and liabilities of a property nature;
11) other documents stipulated by federal laws, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation and resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation.
4. Information submitted in accordance with this Federal Law by a citizen upon entering the municipal service may be subject to verification in accordance with the procedure established by federal laws. In individual municipalities, federal laws may establish additional requirements for verifying the information provided by a citizen when entering the municipal service.
5. If, during the verification process provided for by Part 4 of this article, circumstances are established that prevent a citizen from entering the municipal service, the specified citizen is informed in writing about the reasons for the refusal to enter the municipal service.
6. The admission of a citizen to the municipal service is carried out as a result of appointment to the position of the municipal service on the terms of an employment contract in accordance with labor legislation, taking into account the specifics provided for by this Federal Law.
7. A citizen entering the position of head of the local administration based on the results of a competition for filling the specified position concludes a contract. The procedure for filling the position of the head of a local administration under a contract and the procedure for concluding and terminating a contract with a person appointed to the specified position under a contract are determined by Federal Law No. 131-FZ of October 6, 2003 "On the General Principles of Organizing Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation". The standard form of a contract with a person appointed to the position of head of a local administration under a contract is approved by the law of the subject of the Russian Federation.
8. The admission of a citizen to the municipal service is formalized by an act of the representative of the employer (employer) on the appointment to the position of the municipal service.
9. The parties to the employment contract when entering the municipal service are the representative of the employer (employer) and the municipal employee.
Article 13
1. A citizen cannot be accepted into the municipal service, and a municipal employee cannot be in the municipal service if:
1) recognition of him as incapable or partially incapacitated by a court decision that has entered into legal force;
2) his conviction to a punishment that excludes the possibility of performing official duties as a municipal service, according to a court verdict that has entered into legal force;
3) refusal to go through the procedure for issuing access to information constituting state and other secrets protected by federal laws, if the performance of official duties in the position of the municipal service for which the citizen is applying, or in the position of the municipal service being occupied by a municipal employee, is associated with the use of such information;
4) the presence of a disease that prevents admission to the municipal service or its passage and confirmed by the conclusion of a medical institution. The procedure for undergoing medical examination, the list of such diseases and the form of conclusion of a medical institution are established by the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation;
5) close relationship or property (parents, spouses, children, brothers, sisters, as well as brothers, sisters, parents, children of spouses and spouses of children) with the head of the municipality, who heads the local administration, if the replacement of the position of the municipal service is associated with direct subordination or under the control of this official, or with a municipal employee, if the replacement of a position in the municipal service is associated with the direct subordination or control of one of them to another;
6) termination of citizenship of the Russian Federation, termination of citizenship of a foreign state - a party to an international treaty of the Russian Federation, in accordance with which a foreign citizen has the right to be in the municipal service, acquisition of citizenship of a foreign state or receipt by him of a residence permit or other document confirming the right to permanent residence of a citizen of the Russian Federation on the territory of a foreign state that is not a party to an international treaty of the Russian Federation, in accordance with which a citizen of the Russian Federation who has the citizenship of a foreign state has the right to be in the municipal service;
7) the presence of citizenship of a foreign state (foreign states), with the exception of cases when a municipal employee is a citizen of a foreign state - a party to an international treaty of the Russian Federation, in accordance with which a foreign citizen has the right to be in the municipal service;
8) submission of forged documents or deliberately false information upon admission to the municipal service;
9) failure to provide information provided for by this Federal Law, Federal Law of December 25, 2008 N 273-FZ "On Combating Corruption" and other federal laws, or submission of knowingly false or incomplete information when entering the municipal service.
1.1. A citizen cannot be appointed to the position of head of a local administration under a contract, and a municipal employee cannot replace the position of head of a local administration under a contract in case of close relationship or property (parents, spouses, children, brothers, sisters, as well as brothers, sisters, parents, children of spouses) with the head of the municipality.
2. A citizen cannot be admitted to the municipal service after he reaches the age of 65 years - the age limit established for filling a position in the municipal service.
about the positions and vacancies of the administration
municipal district
as of July 1, 2018
Headcount (in units) 6
Municipal service positions
Job title Number of staff positions Number of vacancies
Head of Administration 1 1
Chief Accountant - Head of the Economics Department,
finance and accounting 1 no
Head of organizational and legal
no department 1
Advisor 2 no
Accountant - advisor 1 no
Total: 6 1
For more information about vacancies and the procedure for entering the municipal service, please contact the personnel service of the administration of the Lomonosovsky municipal district at tel. 8-499-783-84-34; 8-499-783-84-27
On the establishment of qualification requirements for filling positions of municipal service in the administration of the Lomonosovsky municipal district
In accordance with Article 9 of the Federal Law of March 2, 2007 No. 25-FZ "On Municipal Service in the Russian Federation", Part 2 of Article 10, Article 11 of the Law of the City of Moscow of October 22, 2010 No. 50 "On Municipal Service in the City of Moscow" , By the charter of the municipal district Lomonosovsky, the Council of Deputies decided:
- Establish qualification requirements for filling municipal service positions in the administration of the Lomonosovsky municipal district (Appendix).
- To invalidate the decision of the Municipal Assembly of the intracity municipality Lomonosovskoye in the city of Moscow dated November 09, 2011 No. 02-11-07 / 10 "On the establishment of qualification requirements for filling positions in the municipal service in the municipality of the intracity municipality Lomonosovskoye in the city of Moscow".
- Publish this decision in the Bulletin "Moscow Municipal Bulletin" and on the official website of the municipal district Lomonosovsky.
- This decision shall enter into force on the day of its official publication in the Bulletin "Moscow Municipal Bulletin".
- Control over the execution of this decision shall be assigned to the head of the municipal district Lomonosovsky Baburina I.A.
Head of the municipal
district Lomonosovsky I.A. Baburina
to the decision of the Council of Deputies of the municipal district Lomonosovsky
to fill positions of municipal service in the administration of the Lomonosovsky municipal district
To fill the positions of the municipal service in the administration of the municipal district Lomonosovsky (hereinafter referred to as the position of the municipal service), citizens of the Russian Federation, citizens of foreign states that are parties to international treaties of the Russian Federation, in accordance with which foreign citizens have the right to be in the municipal service, are subject to the following qualification requirements:
1. To fill the highest and main positions of the municipal service:
b) to work experience - work experience in municipal service positions, civil service positions for at least four years or work experience in the specialty for at least five years;
c) to professional knowledge - knowledge of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the city of Moscow regulating the legal basis of local self-government, the Charter of the municipal district Lomonosovsky (hereinafter referred to as the Charter) and other municipal legal acts, official documents, the structure and powers of local governments, the basics of organizing the passage of municipal service, labor regulations, the procedure for working with official information, business ethics rules, the basics of office work;
d) to professional skills - prompt adoption and implementation of management decisions , organization and ensuring the implementation of tasks, qualified work planning, business negotiations, public speaking, analysis and forecasting, competent consideration of the opinions of colleagues, delegation of authority to subordinates, organization of work on effective interaction with authorities local self-government, state authorities, public associations, effective planning of working (office) time, possession of computer and other office equipment, possession of the necessary software, work with official documents, adaptation to a new situation and adoption of new approaches in solving tasks, qualified work with people to prevent personal conflicts;
2. To fill the leading positions of the municipal service:
a) to the level of education - higher professional education;
b) to work experience - work experience in municipal service positions, civil service positions for at least two years or work experience in the specialty for at least four years;
d) to professional skills - organization and ensuring the fulfillment of tasks, qualified work planning, effective planning of working (office) time, possession of computer and other office equipment, possession of the necessary software, work with official documents, adaptation to a new situation and adoption of new approaches to problem solving, qualified work with people to prevent personal conflicts;
3. To replace senior positions in the municipal service:
a) to the level of education - higher professional education;
c) to professional knowledge - knowledge of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the city of Moscow regulating the legal basis of local self-government, the Charter and other municipal legal acts, official documents in relation to the performance of specific official duties, the structure and powers of local governments, the basics of organizing the passage of municipal service, labor regulations, the procedure for working with official information, business ethics rules, the basics of office work;
systematization of information, possession of computer and other office equipment, possession of the necessary software, work with official documents, qualified work with people to prevent personal conflicts;
4. To replace junior positions in the municipal service:
a) to the level of education - secondary vocational education;
b) work experience – there are no requirements for work experience;
c) to professional knowledge - knowledge of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the city of Moscow, within the powers of local governments, the Charter and other municipal legal acts, official documents in relation to the performance of specific official duties, the basics of organizing the passage of municipal service, labor regulations, the procedure for working with official information, the rules of business ethics, the basics of office work;
d) to professional skills - the fulfillment of tasks, effective planning of working (office) time, systematization of information, possession of computer and other office equipment, possession of the necessary software, work with official documents, qualified work with people to prevent personal conflicts.
The municipal service is the most important institution of public authority in our country. The municipal service has features common to all types of service activities, as well as features that allow us to say that this is a new type of public service activity.
The organization of the municipal service in the city of Moscow is based on the provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Federal Laws of October 6, 2003 No. 131-FZ “On the General Principles of Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation” (Article 42), of March 2, 2007 No. 25 -FZ "On the municipal service in the Russian Federation", other federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, the Charter of the city of Moscow, Laws of the city of Moscow dated November 6, 2002 No. 67 "On the organization of local self-government in the city of Moscow", dated October 22 2008 No. 50 "On municipal service in the city of Moscow", other regulatory legal acts of the city of Moscow, charters of municipalities, other municipal legal acts. Municipal employees are subject to the norms of labor legislation with the features provided for by the Federal Law "On Municipal Service in the Russian Federation".
The law "On municipal service in the city of Moscow" defines municipal service as a professional activity of citizens, which is carried out on a permanent basis in municipal service positions filled by concluding an employment agreement (contract).
A municipal employee is a citizen who, in accordance with the procedure established by the charter of the municipal formation and municipal legal acts in accordance with federal legislation and the laws of the city of Moscow, performs the duties of a municipal service for a monetary allowance paid at the expense of the local budget. Persons performing the duties of technical support for the activities of municipal bodies do not replace the positions of the municipal service and are not municipal employees.
When entering the municipal service, as well as during its passage, it is not allowed to establish any direct or indirect restrictions or advantages depending on gender, race, nationality, origin, property and official status, place of residence, attitude to religion, beliefs, belonging to public associations, as well as from other circumstances not related to the professional and business qualities of a municipal employee.
In the Russian Federation, the municipal service is based on certain principles, the most important of which are enshrined in the Federal Law of March 2, 2007 No. No. 25-FZ "On municipal service in the Russian Federation". The principles of municipal service are also reflected in the Law "On Municipal Service in the City of Moscow" (Article 3). These are the principles:
1) priority of human and civil rights and freedoms;
2) the supremacy of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws over other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, laws of the city of Moscow over other regulatory legal acts of the city of Moscow, municipal legal acts;
3) equal access of citizens who speak the state language of the Russian Federation to the municipal service in accordance with their abilities and professional training and equal conditions for its passage, regardless of gender, race, nationality, origin, property and official status, place of residence, attitude to religion, convictions, belonging to public associations, as well as other circumstances not related to the professional and business qualities of a municipal employee;
4) professionalism and competence of municipal employees;
5) stability of the municipal service;
6) publicity and availability of information about the activities of municipal employees;
7) interaction with public associations and citizens;
8) the unity of the basic requirements for the municipal service;
9) legal and social protection of municipal employees;
10) responsibility of municipal employees for failure to perform or improper performance of their official duties;
11) independence of local self-government bodies, municipal bodies within their powers;
12) the relationship and correlation of the main conditions for the passage of the municipal service and the state civil service of the city of Moscow;
13) non-partisanship of the municipal service.
The formation of the municipal service and its allocation as an independent institution of local self-government is due to the consolidation of the constitutional status of local self-government as a special form of public authority, as well as the isolation of local self-government bodies from the system of state authorities (Article 12), which made it possible to talk about the independence of local authorities self-government in solving personnel issues, in the implementation of personnel policy. Taking into account the constitutional provisions, federal legislation delimited official activities into municipal service and public service.
At the same time, the municipal service is closely interconnected with the public service, is identical to it in terms of the set of basic structural elements , but has a number of substantive differences from the public service. The modern reform of the civil service, including the sphere of legal regulation, also has an impact on the legal design of the institution of municipal service. In the Federal Law of May 27, 2003 No. 58-FZ “On the System of the Public Service of the Russian Federation”, for the first time, the principle of the relationship between the two types of public service was enshrined, and in the Federal Law of July 27, 2004 No. 79-FZ “On the State Civil Service Russian Federation” this principle was further developed.
The relationship between the municipal service and the state civil service of the Russian Federation is manifested in the provision of:
unity of the basic qualification requirements for the positions of the municipal service and the positions of the state civil service;
unity of restrictions and obligations during the passage of the municipal service and the state civil service;
unity of requirements for training, retraining and advanced training of municipal employees and state civil servants;
taking into account the length of service of the municipal service when calculating the length of service of the state civil service and the length of service of the state civil service when calculating the length of service of the municipal service;
the correlation of the main conditions of remuneration and social guarantees of municipal employees and state civil servants;
the correlation of the main conditions for the state pension provision of citizens who have served in the municipal service and citizens who have served in the state civil service, as well as members of their families in the event of loss of a breadwinner.
Taking into account the qualification requirements, the positions of the municipal service are correlated with the positions of the state civil service of the city of Moscow in the following order:
1) the highest and main positions of the municipal service - the main positions of the state civil service;
2) leading positions of the municipal service - leading positions of the state civil service;
3) senior positions of the municipal service - senior positions of the state civil service;
4) junior positions of the municipal service - junior positions of the state civil service.
To fill positions in the municipal service, qualification requirements are set for the level of professional education, length of service in the municipal service (public service) or work experience in the specialty, professional knowledge and skills necessary for the performance of official duties.
Qualification requirements for the level of professional education, length of service in the municipal service (civil service) or length of service in the specialty, professional knowledge and skills necessary for the performance of official duties, are established by municipal legal acts on the basis of standard qualification requirements for filling positions in the municipal service, which are determined by the Law " On municipal service in the city of Moscow” in accordance with the register of municipal service positions.
The purpose of municipal official activity is to ensure the powers of local self-government, the solution directly by the population and local self-government bodies of issues of local importance, the implementation of certain state powers transferred to local self-government bodies, based on a combination of national interests and tasks solved at the local level.
The tasks solved by the municipal service make it possible to specify the goals of service activities and translate them into the mainstream of the daily work of municipal employees. The main tasks of the municipal service include:
ensuring the effective work of local governments, the rights and freedoms of man and citizen on the territory of the municipality;
implementation of the provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, current legislation, charter and other regulatory legal acts of bodies and officials of local self-government on the territory of the municipality;
ensuring independent decision by the population of issues of local importance;
preparation, adoption and reflection in the adopted municipal legal acts of the will and legitimate interests of residents of the municipality, the implementation of decisions of local governments;
protection of the interests of the municipality.
The positions of the municipal service are established by municipal legal acts in accordance with the register of positions of the municipal service, approved by the Law "On Municipal Service in the City of Moscow".
The list of specific rights and obligations of a municipal employee, as well as the restrictions and prohibitions established for him, is fixed by the charter of the municipality in accordance with federal laws, the laws of the city of Moscow. The rights and duties of a municipal employee established by law are common to all municipal employees, regardless of their position. They are designed to ensure that the municipal employee fulfills his official powers, enshrined in municipal legal acts in the form of job descriptions, regulations on the relevant structural divisions of the local government, etc.
A citizen entering the municipal service, as well as a municipal employee, annually no later than April 30 of the year following the reporting year, are required to submit to the representative of the employer (employer) information on income, property and obligations of a property nature. The specified information is submitted in the manner and in the form established for the submission of information on income, property and property obligations of state civil servants of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
After a citizen reaches the age of 65 - the age limit established for filling a position in the municipal service, he cannot be accepted into the municipal service.
After dismissal from the municipal service, a citizen is not entitled to disclose or use in the interests of organizations or individuals confidential information or proprietary information that became known to him in connection with the performance of official duties.
The legal norms that determine the status of a municipal employee include the norms that fix the guarantees provided to a municipal employee. The list of basic guarantees is established by the Federal Law of March 2, 2007 No. 25-FZ “On Municipal Service in the Russian Federation” (Article 23), the Law “On Municipal Service in the City of Moscow” (Article 30). The municipal employee is guaranteed:
a) working conditions that ensure the performance of his duties in accordance with the job description;
b) the right to timely and full receipt of financial support;
c) rest provided by the establishment of a normal working (working) time, the provision of days off and non-working holidays , as well as annual paid leave;
d) medical care for a municipal employee and members of his family, including after the retirement of a municipal employee;
1. Citizens who have reached the age of 18, who speak the state language of the Russian Federation and who meet the qualification requirements established by this Law for filling positions in the municipal service, have the right to enter the municipal service, in the absence of circumstances indicated as restrictions related to the municipal service.
2. When entering the municipal service, as well as during its passage, it is not allowed to establish any direct or indirect restrictions or advantages depending on gender, race, nationality, origin, property and official status, place of residence, attitude to religion, convictions, belonging to public associations, as well as other circumstances not related to the professional and business qualities of a municipal employee.
Documents to be submitted upon admission to the municipal service:
1) an application with a request to enter the municipal service and fill the position of the municipal service;
2) a self-filled and signed questionnaire in the form established by the Government of the Russian Federation;
3) passport;
4) work book, except for cases when the employment contract (contract) is concluded for the first time;
5) document on education;
6) an insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance, except for cases when an employment contract (contract) is concluded for the first time;
7) certificate of registration of an individual with a tax authority at the place of residence on the territory of the Russian Federation;
8) military registration documents - for those liable for military service and persons subject to conscription for military service;
9) the conclusion of a medical institution on the absence of a disease that prevents entry into the municipal service;
10) information on income for the year preceding the year of entry into the municipal service, on property and liabilities of a property nature;
11) other documents provided for by federal legislation.
Information submitted in accordance with this Law by a citizen upon entering the municipal service may be subject to verification in accordance with the procedure established by federal laws.
If, during the verification process provided for in Part 4 of this article, circumstances are established that prevent a citizen from entering the municipal service, the specified citizen is informed in writing about the reasons for the refusal to enter the municipal service within three working days.
The admission of a citizen to the municipal service is carried out as a result of appointment to the position of the municipal service on the terms of an employment contract in accordance with labor legislation with the features provided for by federal legislation and this Law. The appointment of a citizen to the position of municipal service is formalized by order of the representative of the employer (employer).
The parties to the employment contract when entering the municipal service are the representative of the employer (employer) and the municipal employee.
A contract is concluded with a citizen entering the position of head of the administration of a municipal district based on the results of a competition for filling the specified position. The procedure for filling the position of the head of the administration of a municipal district under a contract and the procedure for concluding and terminating a contract with a person appointed to the specified position under a contract are determined by the Federal Law "On the General Principles of Organizing Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation", the Law of the City of Moscow "On the Organization of Local Self-Government in the City Moscow” and the Law of the city of Moscow “On municipal service in the city of Moscow”.
to fill positions of municipal service in the administration of the Bibirevo municipal district
To fill the positions of the municipal service in the administration of the Bibirevo municipal district (hereinafter referred to as the position of the municipal service), citizens of the Russian Federation, citizens of foreign states that are parties to international treaties of the Russian Federation, in accordance with which foreign citizens have the right to be in the municipal service, are subject to the following qualification requirements:
1) to the level of education:
a) for the replacement of higher, main, leading and senior positions of the municipal service - higher professional education; in exceptional cases, to replace senior positions in the municipal service - secondary vocational, if a citizen is studying at a higher educational institution and has a high level of professional knowledge, skills and abilities;
b) for the replacement of junior positions in the municipal service - secondary vocational education;
2) to work experience:
a) for the replacement of higher, main positions of the municipal service - work experience in the positions of the municipal service, civil service positions for at least four years or work experience in the specialty for at least five years;
b) to fill the leading positions of the municipal service - work experience in the positions of the municipal service, civil service positions for at least two years or work experience in the specialty for at least four years;
c) for the replacement of senior and junior positions in the municipal service - there are no requirements for work experience.
for professional knowledge and skills necessary for the performance of official duties when filling positions in the municipal service in the administration of the Bibirevo municipal district
To fill the positions of the municipal service in the administration of the Bibirevo Skve municipal district (hereinafter referred to as the position of the municipal service), citizens of the Russian Federation, citizens of foreign states that are parties to international treaties of the Russian Federation, in accordance with which foreign citizens have the right to be in the municipal service, are subject to the following requirements:
1) the highest and main positions of the municipal service:
b) professional skills: prompt adoption and implementation of management decisions, organization and ensuring the fulfillment of tasks, qualified work planning, business negotiations, public speaking, analysis and forecasting, competent consideration of the opinions of colleagues, delegation of authority to subordinates, organization of work on effective interaction with local authorities self-management, effective planning of working (office) time, possession of computer and other office equipment, possession of the necessary software, work with official documents, adaptation to a new situation and adoption of new approaches in solving tasks, qualified work with people to prevent personal conflicts.
2) leading positions of the municipal service:
a) professional knowledge of: the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the city of Moscow regulating the legal basis of local self-government, the Charter of the intracity municipality of Bibirevo in the city of Moscow (hereinafter - the Charter of the municipality), official documents in relation to the performance of specific official duties, the structure and powers of local governments, the basics of organizing the passage of municipal service, labor regulations, the procedure for working with official information, business ethics rules, the basics of office work.
b) professional skills: prompt adoption and implementation of managerial decisions, organization and ensuring the fulfillment of tasks, qualified work planning, effective planning of working (office) time, possession of computer and other office equipment, possession of the necessary software, work with official documents, adaptation to a new situation and the adoption of new approaches in solving the tasks, qualified work with people to prevent personal conflicts.
3) senior positions of the municipal service:
a) professional knowledge of: the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the city of Moscow regulating the legal basis of local self-government, the Charter of the Bibirevo municipal district ( hereinafter - the Charter of the municipality), official documents in relation to the performance of specific official duties, the structure and powers of local governments, the basics of organizing the passage of municipal service, labor regulations, the procedure for working with official information, business ethics rules, the basics of office work.
4) junior positions of the municipal service:
a) professional knowledge of: the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the city of Moscow, within the powers of local authorities, the Charter of the municipal district of Bibirevo (hereinafter referred to as the Charter of the municipal district), official documents in relation to the execution of specific job duties, the basics of organizing the passage of municipal service, labor regulations, the procedure for working with official information, business ethics rules, the basics of office work.
b) professional skills: organizing and ensuring the fulfillment of tasks, effective planning of working (service) time, systematization of information, possession of computer and other office equipment, possession of the necessary software, work with official documents, skilled work with people to prevent personal conflicts.
Competition for the position of municipal service
When filling a position of a municipal service in a municipality, the conclusion of an employment contract may be preceded by a competition, during which an assessment is made of the professional level of applicants for filling a position of a municipal service, their compliance with the established qualification requirements for a position of a municipal service (paragraph 1 of Article 19 of the Law of Moscow dated 22.10. 2008 N 50 "On municipal service in the city of Moscow"
on the competition for filling the vacant position of the municipal service in the administration of the Bibirevo municipal district
1. This Regulation, in accordance with Article 19 of the Law of the City of Moscow dated October 22, 2008 N 50 “On the Municipal Service in the City of Moscow”, determines the procedure and conditions for holding a competition for filling a vacant position in the municipal service (hereinafter referred to as the vacant position of the municipal service) in municipality and (or) the apparatus of the municipal Assembly of the intracity municipality of Bibirevo in the city of Moscow (hereinafter referred to as the local government). The competition for filling a vacant position in the municipal service (hereinafter referred to as the competition) ensures the constitutional right of citizens of the Russian Federation to equal access to the municipal service, as well as the right of municipal employees to promotion on a competitive basis.
2. A competition in a local self-government body may be announced by decision of the head of the local self-government body if there is a vacant (not substituted by a municipal employee) position in the municipal service.
3. Citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached the age of 18, speak the state language of the Russian Federation and meet the established qualification requirements for a vacant position in the municipal service have the right to participate in the competition.
A municipal employee has the right to participate in the competition on a general basis, regardless of what position he holds for the period of the competition.
4. The competition is held in two stages. At the first stage, the local self-government body publishes an announcement about the acceptance of documents for participation in the competition in at least one periodical print publication, and also places information about the competition on the official website of the administration of the Bibirevov municipal district of the public information and telecommunication network (hereinafter referred to as the website).
The published announcement of the acceptance of documents for participation in the competition shall indicate the name of the vacant position of the municipal service, the requirements for the applicant for filling this position, the place and time of receipt of documents to be submitted in accordance with paragraph 5 of this Regulation, the period before the expiration of which the specified documents, as well as information about the source of detailed information about the competition (telephone, fax, e-mail, e-mail address of the website of the local government).
The site contains the following information about the competition: the name of the vacant position of the municipal service, the requirements for the applicant for filling this position, the conditions for passing the municipal service, the place and time of receipt of documents to be submitted in accordance with paragraph 5 of this Regulation, the period before the expiration of which the specified documents, the expected date of the competition, the place and procedure for its holding, other information materials are accepted.
5. A citizen of the Russian Federation who has expressed a desire to participate in the competition submits to the local government body:
a) a personal statement;
b) a self-filled and signed application form, the form of which is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, with a photo attached;
c) a copy of the passport or a document replacing it (the relevant document is presented in person upon arrival at the competition),
d) documents confirming the required professional education, work experience and qualifications:
a copy of the work book (except for cases when the service (labor) activity is carried out for the first time) or other documents confirming the labor (service) activity of a citizen;
copies of documents on vocational education, as well as, at the request of a citizen, on additional vocational education, on conferring an academic degree, academic title, certified by a notary or personnel services at the place of work (service);
e) a document confirming that the citizen does not have a disease that prevents entry into the municipal service or its passage;
f) other documents in accordance with the legislation.
6. A citizen (municipal employee) is not allowed to participate in the competition due to his non-compliance with the qualification requirements for a vacant position in the municipal service, as well as in connection with the restrictions established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow on municipal service for entering the municipal service and its passing.
7. The documents specified in paragraph 5 of these Regulations are submitted to the local government within 20 days from the date of the announcement of their acceptance.
Untimely submission of documents, their submission not in full or in violation of the rules for registration without a good reason are grounds for refusing to accept a citizen.
In case of untimely submission of documents, their submission not in full or in violation of the rules for registration for a good reason, the representative of the employer has the right to postpone the deadlines for their acceptance.
8. The decision on the date, place and time of the second stage of the competition is made by the representative of the employer after verifying the accuracy of the information provided by applicants for filling a vacant position in the municipal service.
If, during the inspection, circumstances are established that prevent the citizen from entering the municipal service in accordance with federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, he is informed in writing by the representative of the employer about the reasons for refusing to participate in the competition.
9. An applicant for filling a vacant position in the municipal service, who is not allowed to participate in the competition, has the right to appeal against this decision in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
10. No later than 15 days before the start of the second stage of the competition, the representative of the employer sends messages about the date, place and time of its holding to citizens (municipal employees) admitted to participate in the competition (hereinafter referred to as candidates).
During the competition, candidates are guaranteed equal rights in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal laws.
11. If, as a result of the competition, no candidates were identified who meet the qualification requirements for the vacant position of the municipal service, for which he was announced, the representative of the employer may decide to hold a second competition.
12. To conduct a competition, a competition commission is formed by a legal act of a local self-government body, acting on a permanent basis. The composition of the competition commission, the terms and procedure for its work, as well as the methodology for conducting the competition are determined by the decision of the Municipal Assembly.
13. The competition commission includes a representative of the employer and (or) municipal employees authorized by him, deputies of the municipal Assembly, a representative of the territorial executive authority of the city of Moscow, as well as representatives of scientific and educational institutions, other organizations invited by the relevant local government as independent experts - specialists on issues related to the municipal service, without specifying the personal data of experts. The number of independent experts must be at least one quarter of the total number of members of the tender committee.
The composition of the tender committee is formed in such a way that the possibility of conflicts of interest that could affect the decisions made by the tender committee is excluded.
14. The competition commission consists of a chairman, deputy chairman, secretary and members of the commission.
In a local self-government body, it is allowed to form several competitive commissions for various categories and groups of positions in the municipal service.
15. The competition consists in assessing the professional level of candidates for filling a vacant position in the municipal service, their compliance with the qualification requirements for this position.
During the competition, the competition commission evaluates candidates on the basis of documents submitted by them on education, municipal, civil or other public service, other labor activities, as well as on the basis of competitive procedures using assessment methods that do not contradict federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation professional and personal qualities of candidates, including individual interviews, questionnaires, group discussions, writing an essay or testing on issues related to the performance of official duties in a vacant municipal service position for which candidates are applying.
When evaluating the professional and personal qualities of candidates, the competition commission proceeds from the relevant qualification requirements for a vacant position in the municipal service and other provisions of the job description for this position, as well as other provisions established by the legislation on municipal service.
16. The meeting of the competition commission is held in the presence of at least two candidates.
The meeting of the competition commission is considered competent if it is attended by at least two thirds of the total number of its members. Decisions of the competition commission based on the results of the competition are taken by open voting by a simple majority of votes of its members present at the meeting.
17. The decision of the competition commission is taken in the absence of a candidate and is the basis for his appointment to a vacant position in the municipal service or refusal of such an appointment.
19. Based on the results of the competition, an act of the representative of the employer is issued on the appointment of the winner of the competition for a vacant position in the municipal service and an employment contract is concluded with the winner of the competition.
20. Candidates who participated in the competition are informed about the results of the competition in writing within a month from the date of its completion. Information about the results of the competition is posted on the website.
21. Documents of applicants for a vacant position in the municipal service who are not allowed to participate in the competition, and candidates who participated in the competition, may be returned to them upon written application within three years from the date of completion of the competition. Until the expiration of this period, documents are stored in the archives of the local government, after which they are subject to destruction.
22. Expenses associated with participation in the competition (travel to and from the venue of the competition, rental of housing, accommodation, use of communication services, and others) are covered by candidates at their own expense.
23. The candidate has the right to appeal the decision of the competition commission in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
City emergency phone numbers
Free calls to city emergency services:
01 - Ministry of Emergency Situations and Fire Protection
02 - police
03 - emergency ambulance
04 - gas emergency service
112 is one of the emergency telephones used in the GSM standard Calling 112 is available even if the phone's keypad is locked or the SIM card is missing!
Firefighters and Rescuers 01
MGPS (Moscow City Search and Rescue Service) (24/7) 917-2595, 917-2583
EMERCOM of Russia, operational duty officer (24/7) 926-3738,926-3739
Rescue Service (24/7), all types of assistance 937-9911
Grand Vympel Rescue Service, City Rescue Service under the Ministry of Emergency Situations (24/7) 164-3332
Crisis Management Center of Moscow, duty service (24/7) 995-9999
ASBON (branch of the Ministry of Emergency Situations), emergency opening of door locks for apartments, garages, cars, safes (24 hours) 799-8888
Moscow Air Transport Police Department 214-0805
Moscow Department of Police on Railway Transport 264-6834
Tsentrospas EMERCOM of the Russian Federation, search and rescue service in Moscow (24/7)
- Central base 278-9596
- Base No. 2 426-8900, 426-5980
- Base in Zelenograd 531-2000, 531-6666
Department for civil defense and emergency situations of the administrative districts of Moscow (24/7):
- Vostochny AO 267-4843
- Western AO 149-2431
- Zelenogradsk AO 535-1601
- Northern AO
-Eastern AO 281-5920
- North-Western AO 192-8095
- Central AO 912-5807
- Southern AO 319 -7718
- South-Eastern JSC 350-3862, 175-3550
- South-Western JSC 121-9200
Demercurization of premises and territories. NPP "Ecotrom" (on weekdays from 10-00 to 18-00) 110-0001
Department for combating offenses in the field of environmental protection 254-7556
Sanitary and epidemiological station (operational duty officer, around the clock) 287-3141
Center "Leader" EMERCOM of Russia. Carrying out rescue operations of special risk. pager 926-3522 ab.840
Green Peace (on weekdays from 10:00 to 18:00) 257-4116
Firefighters and rescuers 01
Main Directorate of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation 217-2059
Directorate of the State Fire Service of the Main Directorate of Internal Affairs of Moscow 244-8233
Mosgaz 04
Mosgaz. Central city dispatching office of the gas network 917-4316, 917-4525
Mosgorsvet. Duty Dispatcher (street lighting) 928-8802
Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (FSB of Russia) 921-0762
Ministry of Taxes and Duties of the Russian Federation 913-0009
Department of the Traffic Police of Moscow 923-3390, 923-4909
Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation 237-8551
- Main Directorate for Combating Organized Crime of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation 204 -8815
- Main Directorate of Private Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation 251-4051
- Main Directorate for Ensuring Public Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation 239-6428
- Main Directorate of Internal Affairs of the Moscow Region 222-4801
Territorial units of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the administrative districts of Moscow (duty units):
ATC of the Central Autonomous Okrug (B.Polyanka st., 7/10, building 2) 953-2967
ATC of the North-Eastern Autonomous Okrug (Veshnih vod st., 10, building 3) 183-0101
ATC of the Eastern Autonomous Okrug (5th Parkovaya St. .,38/13) 965-1401
., 13, building 2 ) Mosfilmovsky per., 8) 147-4220
Department of Internal Affairs of the Northern Autonomous Okrug (Admirala Makarova st., 23, building 1) 452-4945
Scientific and Practical Center for Emergency Medical Care (24/7).
Emergency call in case of accidents, explosions, emergency situations 924-8138, 924-8110
Sklifosovsky, reception department (24/7) 280-9360, 280-4154, 929-1009 Hospitalization, transportation of women in labor and gynecological patients (24/7) 684-0026
Ambulance and emergency care, hospitalization (paid, around the clock).
"Medexpress" 401-5470 City center for emergency psychological assistance (9-00 - 20-00) 924-6001
Eastern Administrative District
P-ki No. 5, 85 (Matrosskaya Tishina St., 14) 268-7002
P-ki No. 7, 14, 17, 21, 31, 66, 95, 137, 196 (Old Gai St., 3) 375-8374
P-ki No. 9, 20, 52, 83, 122, 175 (Pervomaiskaya st., 10, building A) 367-0372
P-ki No. 16, 28, 29, 60, 65 (Open Highway, 24 ) 167-6070
West Administrative District
P-ki No. 30, 199 (Poklonnaya St., 8, building 2) 249-1054
P-ki No. 47, 57, 67, 88, 119, 131 (Ramenki St., 21a) 931-8655
P 50, 73, 128, 130 (Pivchenkova St., 10a) 144-7516
P-s No. 51, 64, 89 ( Artamonova St., 6) st., 2, building 1) 733-5385
Northern administrative district
P-ki No. 15, 68, 77, 86 (Dubninskaya st., 40, building 3) 485-2192
P-ki No. 22, 37, 45, 87, 133 (Petrozavodskaya st., 26B) 451- 3012
P-ki No. 76, 79, 193 (Deguninskaya st., 8a) 489-1594
North-Eastern Administrative District
P-ki No. 8, 11, 26, 75, 102, 125 (Kostromskaya St., 14) 901-1044
P-ki No. 9, 96, 99, 126, 126 branch (Kasatkina St., 7 ) 283-2601
P-ki No. 24, 44, 75, 110 (Yablochkova St., 33) 210-8922, 210-3097
P-ki No. 55, 113 (Staroalekseevskaya St., 18) 287-0688
of the North-Western Administrative District
P-ki No. 4, 78, 94, 219 (Meshcheryakova St., 4, building 2) 491-7766
P-ki No. 6, 12, 33, 36, 74 (Generala Karbysheva Boulevard, 3 ) 199-5987
P-ki No. 58, 109 (Tvardovsky st., 5, building 4) 750-5354
P-ki No. 140, 141 (Mitinskaya st., 34) 751-1505
Central Administrative District
P-ki No. 13, 27, 139 (Antonova-Ovseenko St., 8) 256-0271
P-ki No. 18, 100, 104 (Sibirsky pr-d, 1) 270-9590
P-ki No. 34, Branch 34, 117 (B. Kozlovsky per., 9) 207-0933
P-ki No. 35, 38 (3rd Frunzenskaya St., 6) 242-1888
P-ki No. 32, 113 (Fadeeva St., 8) 250-4254
South-Eastern Administrative District
P-ki No. 61, 101, 115 (2nd Sinichkina St., 6) 361-1210
P-ki No. 12, 13, 49, 114, 135 (Fedora Poletaeva St., 22) 175- 5595
P-ki No. 36, 48, 93, 106, 112, 136, 147 (Artyukhinoy st., 27, building 3) 178-1864
P-ki No. 53, 53 branch, 59, 146, 114 , 17, building 2) 376-4138
P-ki No. 13, 49, 114, 142, 143 (Aviaconstructor Mil st., 5, building 1) 705-0342
Southwestern Administrative District
P-ki No. 10, 41, 46, 63, 80, 81, 134, 205 (Ak. Pilyugina St., 26, building 5) 132-7906 P-ki No. 56, 62, 69
, 72 (Vinokurova st., 14) 126-8673
P-ki No. 97, 103, 111, 203 (Golubinskaya st., 21, building 2) 421-2900
Southern Administrative District
P-ki No. 1, 61, 101 (Kolomenskaya emb., 14, building 2) 115-2486
P-ki No. 2, 3, 70, 92, 98, 129, 208 (Dorozhnaya st., 26) 382-8210
82, 91, 127, 210 (
Kashirskoe shosse, 57, building 1) , 3) 327-0315 P-ki No. 25, 108 (Leninsky Prospekt, 16) 952-5245
P-ki No. 66, 107, 121 (Eletskaya St., 35, building 1) 399-5097
Reception of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation 924-3158
Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation 928-7061
Military Commissariat 924-7788
Emergency psychological help - trust service.
Anonymously, free of charge (24/7). 205-0550 Center for psychological assistance to women "Yaroslavna".
Free, anonymous (from Tuesday to Thursday from 10-00 to 18-00). Psychological support group for women with family problems. 282-8450 Sisters Center for Assistance to Victims of Sexual Assault.
For free. Anonymous helpline, psychological assistance, legal and medical information (daily, except Saturday, Sunday from 10-00 to 20-00). 901-0201 Helpline for narcology of the Moscow Health Committee (from 10-00 to 18-00) 249-8646
Department of psychological assistance of the association of young people with disabilities.
Anonymously. Free psychological consultations (on Tuesdays and Fridays from 12-00 to 18-00). 283-5901 Psychological-medical-social center "OZON" for children subjected to abuse and violence.
Anonymously, free of charge (daily, except Saturday and Sunday from 9-00 to 17-00). 265-0118 Juvenile Drug Prevention Phone 201-7691
Protecting the rights of parents whose children died in the army in peacetime.
Mother's Right Foundation 206-0581 Opposition to the use of the death penalty and torture.
Society for the Right to Life and Civil Dignity 206-8589
(Chapter 4, Federal Law of 02.03.2007 N 25-FZ "On Municipal Service in the Russian Federation" (adopted by the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on 07.02.2007))
Article 16
- Citizens who have reached the age of 18, who speak the state language of the Russian Federation and meet the qualification requirements established in accordance with this Federal Law for filling positions in the municipal service, have the right to enter the municipal service, in the absence of the circumstances specified in Article 13 of this Federal Law as restrictions, associated with municipal services.
- When entering the municipal service, as well as during its passage, it is not allowed to establish any direct or indirect restrictions or advantages depending on gender, race, nationality, origin, property and official status, place of residence, attitude to religion, beliefs, belonging to public associations, as well as from other circumstances not related to the professional and business qualities of a municipal employee.
- When entering the municipal service, a citizen presents:
1) an application with a request to enter the municipal service and fill the position of the municipal service;
2) a self-filled and signed questionnaire in the form established by the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation;
(as amended by Federal Law No. 160-FZ of July 23, 2008)
3) passport;
4) work book, except for cases when the employment contract (contract) is concluded for the first time;
5) document on education;
6) an insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance, except for cases when an employment contract (contract) is concluded for the first time;
7) certificate of registration of an individual with a tax authority at the place of residence on the territory of the Russian Federation;
8) military registration documents - for those liable for military service and persons subject to conscription for military service;
9) the conclusion of a medical institution on the absence of a disease that prevents entry into the municipal service;
10) information on income for the year preceding the year of entry into the municipal service, on property and liabilities of a property nature;
11) other documents stipulated by federal laws, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation and resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation.
- Information submitted in accordance with this Federal Law by a citizen upon entering the municipal service may be subject to verification in accordance with the procedure established by federal laws. In individual municipalities, federal laws may establish additional requirements for verifying the information provided by a citizen when entering the municipal service.
- If, during the verification process provided for in Part 4 of this article, circumstances are established that prevent a citizen from entering the municipal service, the specified citizen is informed in writing about the reasons for the refusal to enter the municipal service.
- The admission of a citizen to the municipal service is carried out as a result of appointment to the position of the municipal service on the terms of an employment contract in accordance with labor legislation, taking into account the specifics provided for by this Federal Law.
- A citizen entering the position of head of a local administration based on the results of a competition for filling the specified position concludes a contract. The procedure for filling the position of the head of a local administration under a contract and the procedure for concluding and terminating a contract with a person appointed to the specified position under a contract are determined by Federal Law No. 131-FZ of October 6, 2003 "On the General Principles of Organizing Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation". The standard form of a contract with a person appointed to the position of head of a local administration under a contract is approved by the law of the subject of the Russian Federation.
- The admission of a citizen to the municipal service is documented by an act of the representative of the employer (employer) on the appointment to the position of the municipal service.
- The parties to the employment contract when entering the municipal service are the representative of the employer (employer) and the municipal employee.