What is the essence of operational planning. operational planning

Operational planning is one of those that involves drawing up plans for short periods of time, focused on maximum detail in previously planned work plans and their schedules.

Operationally financial planning is the planning of the financial fund and resources of the organization. Its necessity lies in the fact that the material sphere changes regardless of the internal conditions at the enterprise, and in order to “stay afloat” it needs some savings.

Operational scheduling - a detailed plan for the execution of work, determining the timing of the periods of the beginning and end of the manufacture of any product or the execution of another front of work.

Types of operational planning

Operational planning in relation to subordination at the enterprise is divided into 2 types:

  1. Intershop. It ensures the development and control of all products manufactured at the enterprise in general, and also directs the work of each workshop or department in the right direction. This type of planning ensures the coherence of the entire production process.
  2. Intrashop. Aimed at the synchronous execution of all employees of their work plan. It includes the development of new monthly or quarterly plans for the manufacture of products, the preparation of flow schedules for robots.

Operational planning methods

In operational planning, depending on the specifics of production, several basic methods are used.

  1. Volume method. It is intended for the distribution of annual volumes of production and its sale. This method helps not only to distribute the amount of work, but also to optimize the use of production assets.
  2. Calendar method or operational scheduling. This is a detailed plan for the execution of work, determining by the timing of the periods of the beginning and end of the manufacture of any product or the performance of another front of work.
  3. Volumetric-calendar method. Allows you to plan simultaneously the terms and volumes of work performed at the enterprise.
  4. Volume-dynamic method. It provides for the close interaction of such planned and calculated indicators as the timing, volumes and dynamics of the production of products, goods or services.

Tasks of operational planning

It should be said initially that the main task of operational plans is the organization of the daily activities of employees, as well as directing it in the necessary direction, beneficial for the enterprise. There is also a secondary number of planning tasks, which include such as:

  • fulfillment of tasks for the release of final products;
  • organization of complex production;
  • effective use .

Operational planning principles

For the first time the general principles of planning were formulated by A. Fayol. He, in turn, singled out 5 basic principles.

  1. The principle of the need for planning.
  2. The principle of unity of plans.
  3. The principle of continuity of plans.
  4. The principle of flexibility of plans.
  5. The principle of accuracy of plans.

The stages of operational planning for each of the methods presented above are individual. We now consider the stages of volumetric planning.

In conclusion, I would like to say that we all understand well the role of planning plays in the successful functioning of the organization. Therefore, having studied the information provided in this article, you have the opportunity to make your business more profitable and competitive.

Operational planning of production consists in the development of the most important volumetric calendar indicators of the production and economic activities of the enterprise. Any process of operational planning involves the implementation of such stages of activity as the choice of an enterprise development strategy, the justification of the form of organization of production, the determination of the logistics scheme for the movement of material flows , the development of basic calendar and planning standards, the operational planning of the work of production units, the organizational preparation of production, the direct organization of operational work, the current control and regulation of the production process.

Operational planning is the implementation of the current activities of planning and economic services over a short period, for example, the development of an annual production program, the preparation of quarterly budgets for an enterprise, monitoring and adjusting the results, etc.

Operational planning of production is the final link in the planned work at the enterprise. It consists in the development, on the basis of annual plans, of specific production tasks for short periods of time both for the enterprise as a whole and for its divisions and in the operational regulation of the progress of production according to operational accounting and control data. A feature of this type of planning is the combination of the development of plan targets with the organization of their implementation.

The task of operational production planning is to organize a uniform, rhythmic, mutually coordinated work of all production departments of the enterprise to ensure the timely implementation of the state plan target with the economical use of resources and high product quality, i.e., achieving the best final production results.

Operational - production planning consists of two stages:

The first stage is the development of operational plans for the manufacture of products based on the production program. This stage is called operational scheduling.

The second stage - dispatching - consists in continuous operational and production accounting, control and regulation of the implementation of plans by promptly eliminating deviations from the specified regime that arise in the production process.

Operational planning scope includes:

  • 1. Development of progressive calendar and planning standards for the movement of production;
  • 2. Drawing up operational plans and schedules for workshops, sections, teams and jobs and bringing them to the direct executors;
  • 3. Operational accounting and control of the production progress, prevention and detection of deviations from the planned plans and schedules and ensuring the stabilization of the production progress.

Calendar planning includes the distribution of annual plan targets by production units and deadlines, as well as bringing the established indicators to specific work executors. With its help, shift-daily tasks are developed, and the sequence of work performed by individual performers is agreed upon. The initial data for the development of calendar plans are the annual volumes of output, the complexity of the work performed, the timing of the delivery of goods to the market and other indicators of the socio-economic plans of the enterprise.

When implementing the developed calendar plan, an operational record of the progress of its implementation is kept - information is collected on the actual implementation of the plan, it is processed and transferred to the relevant services of the enterprise. On the basis of the information received, dispatching is carried out, which consists in identifying and eliminating emerging deviations from the planned course of production, in taking measures to ensure the complete course of production, the best use of working time and material resources, and high utilization of equipment and jobs.

Operational planning of production at the place of its implementation is divided into intershop and intrashop. Intershop planning ensures the development, regulation and control of the implementation of plans for the production and sale of products by all departments of the enterprise, and also coordinates the work of the main, design and technological, planning and economic and other functional services. The content of intra-shop planning is the development of operational plans and the preparation of current work schedules for production sites, production lines and individual jobs based on annual plans for the production and sale of products of the main workshops of the enterprise.

various operational planning systems are widespread , determined both by internal factors and by external market conditions. Under the system of operational planning of production in the economic literature, it is customary to understand a set of various methods of technologies for planned work, characterized by the degree of centralization, the object of regulation, the composition of calendar and planned indicators, the procedure for accounting and movement of products and registration of accounting documentation. A prerequisite for the effective functioning of the operational planning system for production is the existence of a reasonable regulatory framework, which includes, in particular: calendar and planning standards, material consumption standards, production capacity utilization standards, production material security standards. The choice of one or another operational planning system in market conditions is determined mainly by the volume of demand for products and services, the costs and results of planning, the scale and type of production.

Therefore, planning is a method of economic foresight and programming based on detailed calculations. On the one hand, the enterprise plan contains a task for the perspective of each employee, and on the other hand, instructions for managers on management decisions that they must make in stages, helping the team achieve the goal.

The topic is banal, but the collective mind of any company can easily lose the thread and get tangled in three birches...

So, what is an operational plan within the framework of a strategic holding (according to one of the well-known classifications) ...

Abbreviations: FR - functional manager, DK - subsidiary, UK - management company, EDMS - e-mail system. Document Management, DSR - Director for Strat. development


  • The concept of "operational plan" is considered within the framework of a strategic holding.
  • The operational plan is an operational management .
  • The criterion for the operational plan is the detailing of work for a time horizon of a month, not more than a month.
  • Operational plans are a more detailed development and concretization of the initially developed and agreed upon annual functional work plans.
  • The annual schedule of the company's key events reflects the agreed annual functional work plans.
  • It is necessary to distinguish between operational control and operational plan. Operational control of strategic plans (in case of force majeure, crisis situation) and control of operational plans are two different things.


  • This is a plan of work, activities, tasks, assignments, implemented by an employee within a calendar month. At the end of the current month, the operational plan for the next month is specified.
  • Weekly study of the plan within a month, weekly / monthly control within the recreation center.
  • Operational plans should be a more detailed breakdown of annual functional work plans. Formed on the basis of the annual work plan. Initially, coordination of annual functional work plans is achieved. For critical tasks, the consistency of operational plans of employees should be automatically ensured due to the consistency of annual work plans. At operational meetings, the details of annual plans for the monthly horizon are specified.
  • Operational plans should not conflict with annual plans. In case of force majeure, all annual plans for the remaining period and operational plans for the next month are adjusted.
  • The implementation of operational plans ensures the implementation of the DC business processes, the successful implementation of operational plans ensures compliance with the standards of process (operational) indicators, as a condition for achieving the company's strategic goals. Operational indicators and operational plans are tied to business process standards.

Project tasks MUST NOT be present in the operational plan of the DC FR, since even the control of a single project milestone must be carried out with an understanding of the status of the entire project as a whole, and with an understanding of the consequences of the execution of one project milestone on subsequent related project tasks.

The operational plan contains:

  • Tasks from the annual plans (Business plan) in the context of the month - functional tasks within the framework of the responsibility and job duties of the employee.
  • Protocol instructions and tasks from the top management of the Palace of Culture and the Criminal Code.

Annual functional action plans and operational plans SHOULD reflect regularly performed duties and functions, with the only difference that:

  • In DI, the functionality of an employee (FR DC) is defined in general, - by types/groups of work, without specification;
  • And in the action plans, the content of the work is specified (specific media, agencies, etc.) and tied to calendar dates and budgets,
    • in the annual plan, the work is defined in large blocks, for critical events, the work is detailed on a monthly basis,
    • in the operational monthly plan, the work is detailed on a weekly basis, critical events are scheduled by day.


The operational plan in DC is a tool for operational business management for the DC, FR DC, on which the CM should not have direct administrative influence on a daily/weekly/monthly basis. For the corporate center of the holding, which wants to be a "strategic holding", there should be enough interaction on quarterly reporting, and based on its results - the subsequent adjustment of the annual plans of the MC and DC for the remaining period.

The operational plan of the DC SHOULD NOT be under the control of the President.

At monthly meetings with the participation of the president, OPERATIONAL CONTROL of the implementation of the company's strategic plans takes place in order to summarize intermediate results, make the necessary management decisions , including adjusting further actions if there is an urgent need for this (critical event, force majeure). Otherwise, we are not a strategic holding, but an operational holding, and all genes. directors, DSR-s of the DC, etc. needs to be converted to CC.

Ideally, each manager should have an annual plan detailing the operational plan for the next month, and detailing the work of his subordinates.

Coordination of annual work plans with a monthly breakdown should be carried out by two heads - the State Duma of the DC and the FR of the Criminal Code.

The coordination of the operational plan should be carried out only by the State Duma of the DC.

It is expedient for MC FR to form schedules for corporate-wide projects and annual functional plans as part of business planning, so that DC FR can take them into account in a timely manner when developing their annual plans.

Monitoring: FM MC should have access to view the current annual plans of FM DC, and control it only in terms of general corporate tasks (its area of ​​responsibility).


  • Ideally, both development projects and functional annual plans (detailed to operational ones) should be in a single database (DB) with common characteristics:
    • Centralized directory of employees;
    • A single calendar with weekends and holidays;
    • A common vacation calendar for all employees, which will allow, when planning for a year, not to allow overload on employees, to avoid emergency work and downtime when someone goes on vacation;
    • Possibility of alerts on critical deadlines, critical events (system for monitoring the execution of instructions);
    • Risk analysis - analysis of the critical path for the implementation of the plan.
  • Such a solution can be, for example, the server version of MS Project. This solution will ensure visual consistency of annual, operational work plans, and projects - consistency in terms, in terms of performers, in terms of employee workload. If you need to correct one plan, then you can evaluate the consequences - how the adjusted plan will affect other plans related to it.
    • Traditional IT advantages: shared access, system of access rights, one event entry, history preservation.


Annual plans and their details within operational plans can be maintained in an Excel file in an EDMS with general access for top managers.


At the end of the annual reporting period, the results of the annual work plan are evaluated in conjunction with the achievement of target indicators (strategic team, individual):

  • The evaluation of the manager in the motivational map in terms of general corporate tasks is divided into two parts: the evaluation of the FR of the UK and the evaluation of the GD of the DC with certain weights and is carried out independently, directly affecting the amount of the bonus (with an agreed weight).

There will be questions - I will be glad to talk, especially when in practice there was a need to achieve a common understanding of methodological things by the collective mind

Strat director.
development, the DC is responsible for coordination, organization in the processes of strategic and business planning, but here is an unexpected question - who is responsible for the processes of operational planning, control, and the operational management system as a whole? Is Gen. director? DSR also does not want to be a "boot". director...?

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    Self-realization of personality in the production process. 4. Principles of production management The listed methods ... organization of production processes. Production management must ensure high results of production and economic ...

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    Reflection in such a scientific discipline as production management . Production management is a science that studies management ... Institute of Informatics. - M.: INFRA-M, 2003. - 574 p. Production management : a textbook for universities / S. D. Ilyenkova, A. V. ...

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    ... production structure (sufficient and limited composition of production units); lack of duplicating production links; ensuring the directness of production ... by objects of random management . Increasing usage...

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  5. Enterprise Planning: A Cheat Sheet Author Unknown


    The methodology for developing an operational plan used in specific production conditions depends on the type of production , allocated on the basis of the breadth of the range and specialization of jobs. There are three main types of organization of production : single, serial and mass . Each of them has its own form of flow of the production process - continuous and discontinuous, the nature of the use of technological equipment and its composition. Single production processes are processes in which a wide range of products for various purposes is periodically produced. Serial have a limited range of products in quantities determined by batches or series. Mass processes produce a narrow range of products continuously and in large quantities. At the same time, jobs are specialized in performing, as a rule, one permanently fixed operation for the manufacture of one part.

    To draw up an operational plan for a single production, information is needed on the status of work, technical documentation for upcoming work, as well as information on providing orders with everything necessary. Production assignments issued to workplaces are developed on the basis of the calendar plan-schedule of the site. They are compiled, as a rule, for short periods of time (a decade, a week, a day, a shift) and are adjusted in accordance with the actual performance of tasks. The development of calendar plans-schedules at the sites consists in the selection of the required parts, assemblies, etc., as well as in establishing such a sequence that would ensure the timing of the execution of orders, the uniform loading of equipment and workers.

    The objects of planning are the timing of the stages of work, the sequence of movement of parts, assemblies, the timing of the delivery of finished products.

    Serial production is large-, medium- and small-scale, so it is characterized by various planning methods. But all of them are based on calendar and planning standards and the choice of the planning object. The planning and accounting unit for assembly shops are: nodes - for the assembly assembly and products - for the general assembly. Their number and timing of release are determined by the production plan of the enterprise.

    In mass production, the main planning and accounting unit is the product, and in the shops - a separate part. The main object of planning is the operation of the production line, therefore the leading calendar and planning standards for mass production are: the tact (rhythm) of the production line; regulations of its work (standard plan); backlog.

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