Why does a chicken open its mouth when it breathes. Chickens wheeze

When raising poultry, losses are, unfortunately, almost inevitable. Even if there is a good insulated chicken coop, walking is carried out on time - part of the young animals die. The main reason is illness.

Often chickens are affected by infectious diseases - they sneeze, cough, weaken. What to do in this case, is it possible to correct the situation on your own?

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In large farms, the veterinarian is responsible for the health of the livestock, but if the bird grows in a private backyard, then the owners conduct an inspection on their own. This is done daily.

Hoarseness is one of the first signs. Breathing is difficult, air comes out of the lungs with a whistle.

Such symptoms should not be ignored. Most often it is a sign of bronchial disease.

  1. Chickens sneeze and cough. The first sign of mucosal edema caused by the inflammatory process.
  2. Mucus is secreted from the nasal opening.

If such signals are detected, diseased birds should be isolated - it is better to place them in a cage. A more accurate diagnosis can be made by a specialist. But without treatment, the disease will turn into a severe form with complications.

infectious bronchitis

It spreads by air, strikes during the day. It is transmitted within a kilometer radius. If the young are infected, they will most likely die.

The symptoms of infectious bronchitis are:

  • Wheezing in the trachea;
  • Chickens often cough;
  • The bird can only breathe with its mouth open;
  • Decreased egg production.

It is complicated in an adult by the fact that the internal organs . This negatively affects productivity.


One of the possible complications that happens if you do not treat a cold. A serious disease that is especially poorly tolerated by young individuals at 2-3 weeks. At the initial stage, the bronchi are affected, then the lungs and pleura. The reason most often is the cold in the room where the animals are kept. If they often fall into the rain, are exposed to wind, drafts, this can also provoke illness in chickens.

External signs are as follows:

  • Heavy breathing with open mouth;
  • Motor activity decreases - chickens refuse to eat;
  • The cough becomes "wet".

Treatment must begin immediately, the case can begin within a day.


May be a sign of this infectious disease. It is transmitted from parents to young animals (transovarially), through water in a drinking bowl, with direct contact (airborne droplets). Mycoplasmosis is able to move from chickens to other types of poultry (ducks, turkeys), which is why the sick should be immediately removed from the common room. You should also destroy the eggs that the sick hen will carry.

This disease can cause many complications. The most common are the following:

  • Chickens wheeze, often sneeze;
  • Discharge from the nasal cavity;
  • The animal suffers from.

The earliest symptoms can appear in a rooster, so experienced poultry farmers pay special attention to it.

If bad signs appear, then it is likely that the chickens have caught a cold. Only a specialist in the laboratory can make an accurate diagnosis, so you need to contact the clinic without waiting for the death of the livestock.

At the first stage, it is impossible to determine mycoplasmosis, because the disease proceeds without symptoms. The latent period lasts up to 3 weeks. Only after a while external signs appear - it seems that the chicken has caught a cold. The animal then becomes a carrier of the infection.

Mycoplasmosis can easily "trick" the immune system. It seems that everything is in order, but after a while the disease again makes itself felt.

Asmatic manifestations, atopic dermatitis, conjunctivitis are the consequences of the fact that the disease is masked, hidden in the body's own cells.

The disease is treatable with antibiotics. Within a month, it is possible to get significant relief with the help of modern drugs. They have no smell or taste, so pets have no problems with taking them. The medicine must be taken once a day.


Most often affects chickens under the age of 2 weeks. Typical symptoms are coughing, sneezing, and difficulty breathing. It can occur in acute and chronic form.

In acute cases, the temperature rises, the bird suffers from thirst, loses weight, weakens, refuses to feed. After a few days, a case may begin as a result of sepsis.

The disease may return, the main symptoms are the same. Chickens look bad - feathers are dirty, they are inactive. Convulsions, paralysis are possible. Sick young animals, in the event of an amendment, will no longer be able to fully develop.

Disease prevention in poultry

Mass mortality is a nightmare for any farmer. To avoid it, it is advisable to take measures in advance so that the birds do not get sick. should be reliably protected from drafts and precipitation.

For chickens, high humidity is also detrimental, so you need to carefully monitor the condition of the litter - its depth should be sufficient.

As it gets dirty, add new sawdust, straw or completely replace it. Be sure to equip a place for swimming - a bath with sand and ash.

The temperature in the room where the birds are kept should not fall below 5°, but it is better to keep it at 15°. Chickens are given water-soluble vitamins, a decoction of nettles or other medicinal herbs. You can carry out inhalation with essential oils. Large livestock are treated with special smoke bombs.

The room, drinkers and feeders should be regularly cleaned with disinfectants:

  • Chloro-turpentine,
  • Lugol's solution
  • aluminum iodide.

If there are cases of death, it is necessary to process the entire chicken coop.

Mineral supplements must be constantly added to food, the diet must be composed correctly so that the bird does not lack nutrients. The possibility of walking has a positive effect on the body of animals, where chickens can eat fresh herbs, get worms and beetles for themselves, filling the need for protein and amino acids.


When the livestock is affected by the disease, the owners have a question - how and with what to treat?

It is not always necessary to do this on your own, although most farmers prefer to handle light forms on their own. Antibiotic treatment is very common.

For chickens, special drugs have been developed that have proven their effectiveness. With the help of antibiotics, mainly infectious diseases (neurolithmatosis, laryngotracheitis, bronchitis, mycoplasmosis, etc.) are treated.

Sneezing in chickens can be caused by various diseases, this drug is good because it has a wide spectrum of action - it can prevent the growth of various types of bacteria. In addition, it stimulates the growth of chicks. Sold in powder form - it can simply be diluted with water if intramuscular injections are difficult to carry out. It must be taken three times a day for 3-5 days. Do not exceed the dose - the bird may be poisoned.

The drug is a new generation, quite expensive - for 1 kg. will have to pay more than 1000 rubles. But it has no side effects, is completely absorbed and is able to defeat a disease such as salmonellosis and a number of other dangerous viruses. The standard course of treatment is 5 days. The powder is added to the water or directly to the feed. The dosage is indicated in the instructions - it is strictly not recommended to exceed it!

Effectively fights intestinal infections, is available in powder form. It is better to give together with feed, because the drug is poorly soluble in water. Doses for chickens and adult birds differ. The daily amount of the drug should be divided into 3 doses and given with food three times a day. Between doses, at least 7 hours should pass. Treatment is carried out for 10 days. The medicine costs 3 thousand rubles. per kg.

One of the most famous preparations for birds, which has proven its effectiveness. It is used both for the treatment of infections of the intestines and respiratory organs (, laryngotracheitis). The bitter powder dissolves well in water. The taste can cause chickens to refuse to drink. Therefore, it is better to mix the powder with food. The course of treatment will cost 2.5 thousand rubles.

A drug that is used to treat mycoplasmosis - including for prevention. Stimulates growth in young laying hens. The dose depends on the weight of the bird. Diluted in water and given three times a day, you can do intramuscular injections - for a week. If the symptoms do not disappear, after 3 days the course can be repeated. The cost of 1 kg. medicines - 2.4 thousand rubles.

It has a wide spectrum of action, does not harm the further development of young animals. It copes well with infections of the throat, intestinal tract, has a reasonable price (400 rubles per 1 kg.), Therefore, it is often used by farmers. It can be given by mixing with food or by dissolving in water.

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Even the most experienced and responsible farmers are unable to prevent the disease of chickens - in practice it is impossible to protect the farm from this. Therefore, any poultry business or farming is not immune from unplanned, sometimes huge financial losses. After all, poultry, along with other animals, does not have strong immunity and suffers from many infections, from which it cannot be completely protected. In this article, we will consider in detail the question: why chickens wheeze and how to deal with it.

Chickens wheeze

Causes of wheezing in chickens

Rattling is an uncharacteristic sound for a healthy chicken, which is a sign of a number of problems with its health. In different cases, complicated breathing resembles rattling, whistling, gurgling, or even human snoring. It is undesirable to ignore this, otherwise healthy livestock can get sick.

Be careful, as healthy livestock can get sick

Respiratory problems can cause:

  • cold;
  • bronchitis of an infectious and non-infectious nature;
  • bronchial pneumonia;
  • infections (mycoplasmosis, colibacillosis and others).


Wheezing is the most common symptom of bird sickness. They do not pose a serious danger to life and do not lead to death, but they still require some intervention. Since inaction threatens to infect the entire livestock, reduce egg production and possible complications in the future.

A cold in chickens can cause a decrease in egg production

The main cause of the disease are drafts, low temperature or high humidity in the house. A sick laying hen has swelling of the mucous membranes, inflamed airways and, as a result, breathing problems - she tries to breathe through her mouth, as her nose is filled with mucus, similar to a runny nose. If you do not start treatment, then the laying hen will begin to sneeze and cough.

Cold discharge

Cold treatment

It is not necessary to treat a cold. It is enough to carry out the following activities:

  • maintain the temperature regime at a mark of at least 15 ° C, protect the livestock from high humidity and drafts in the place of its keeping;
  • replace water in drinking bowls with nettle decoction;
  • use inhalation methods using medicines or essential oils.
  • with a large livestock, special smoke bombs work effectively;
  • provide nutrition rich in vitamins and minerals.

Nettle decoction

Infectious type bronchitis (IBD)

A serious infectious disease, the main symptoms are wheezing, sneezing, impaired normal breathing, runny nose and cough. Quite often, the disease affects the kidneys of a chicken, which significantly reduces its productivity. If the infection develops and affects the lungs of young animals, then it is likely to die.

IBV is transmitted by airborne droplets, but is also spread through feed, water, bedding, excretions of disease vectors, or clothing and tools of workers in large poultry houses. It does not pose a danger to the human body.

IBV almost always affects poultry, although cases of this disease have been recorded in pheasants and quails. IBC affects chickens of all age categories, but chickens and young laying hens suffer the most from it. When the first signs are found, it is worth responding immediately. The disease can lead to a decrease in egg production by 30-40%. At the same time, broilers will seriously lag behind in weight gain, and feed conversion will decrease markedly.

Often, young animals from the day of their birth are a carrier of bronchitis, as they hatched from the eggs of an unhealthy laying hen.

An ill individual over the next 100 days is a carrier of the virus. During this time, it is excreted along with saliva, waste products or mucous membrane fluid.

Signs of disease in adults:

  • labored breathing;
  • drop in productivity;
  • green diarrhea;
  • nervousness;
  • hemorrhages in the bronchi and trachea (visible after opening);
  • eggs with limescale or thin shells.

The biggest damage from infectious bronchitis for the economy is the drop in egg production and productivity of laying hens. At the same time, those who have been ill often cannot return to their previous productivity indicators.

Egg shell change

Chicken bronchitis has three clinical manifestations:

  1. Respiratory syndrome - characteristic of both chickens and adults. But it is more noticeable in young animals. Has symptoms similar to a cold. In young animals, appetite decreases, it loses weight and strays near heat sources due to a violation of thermoregulation of bodies. The disease is most acute in the first three weeks. During this time, according to statistics, chickens under the age of three weeks survive in 60% of cases, while an adult bird almost always survives, but at the same time lags behind healthy peers in development.

    Sedentary, drooping chicken

  2. Nephrozenfrit syndrome - the symptoms are almost the same as those of the respiratory, but in this case, the victim's kidneys are also affected. At the same time, the bird wheezes, coughs, suffers from abundant mucus secretion due to inflammation, as well as diarrhea with urate impurities. The survival rate in this case is about 30%. At autopsy, the kidneys have a clearly marked pattern of blood vessels.

    Affected chicken kidneys

  3. Reproductive syndrome - characteristic of adult laying hens. In infected chickens, 1-2 weeks after the onset of the first symptoms of malaise, egg-laying rates drop sharply or they stop laying altogether. Signs of respiratory disease may not appear, with the exception of slight wheezing and a decrease in egg production. After the disease, the productivity of laying hens does not return to the previous level, and the eggs have a defective appearance.

    If IBK is suspected, chicken eggs are not recommended.

Methods of combating IBV

The fight against IB includes the use of disinfectants in the form of sprays. It can be aluminum iodide, glutex, Lugol's solution and others. Particular attention should be paid to the chicken coop, since it is he who is often the cause of hypothermia, one of the main causes of diseases. The above measures are only preventive in nature, and if the disease has overtaken, antibiotics are used.

Chicken coop disinfection

Preventing the spread of diseases in a chicken coop is not easy due to the large number of birds. Chicken coop disinfection is also used as a preventive measure, with a certain frequency. Disinfection helps to keep chickens from disease and maintain sanitation, which we will discuss in this article.

bronchopneumonia in chickens

Inflammation of the lungs is a serious bird disease. It mainly affects young animals aged 10-20 days; it practically does not occur in adults. The cause of the disease is the wrong content: in a draft, in the cold or in the rain. First, the disease affects the bronchi, then it attacks the lungs and the pleural membrane (covers the lungs from the inside).

For sick individuals, frequent breathing, moist rales are characteristic. They cough, sneeze, practically stop eating and become inactive. With damage to the lungs, the chicken breathes heavily through the mouth, sits ruffled and practically does not move.

Without the provision of qualified assistance, young animals die

Fight against bronchial pneumonia

It is treatable in the early stages. When the first signs are found, ashpiseptol should be sprayed in the house (chickens should be inside at this time). It is advisable to carry out the treatment in the evening. The drug is a solution, which includes 350 g of soda, diluted in 3 liters of water, mixed with 250 g of bleach, diluted with 7 liters of water. Water is added to the composition in a ratio of 1: 1, stirred and sprayed.

Poultry processing


Mycoplasmosis is classified as an infectious disease. It is found in poultry farms quite often. It proceeds in the form of acute chronic damage to the respiratory system. It spreads through water and air, as well as transovirally, that is, from an unhealthy chicken to its offspring.

Mycoplasmosis is expanding extremely rapidly. At the same time, ducks, turkeys and other animals capable of infecting each other can also be its carriers. It is very important to make a correct diagnosis in a timely manner, keep unhealthy individuals separately and treat them immediately. The chance of death is 5-40%.

The causative agent of mycoplasmosis

The virus enters the mucous membranes of the victim, disrupts its respiratory apparatus and reproductive function, and attacks the organs of the immune system. As a result, the body as a whole is depleted. Chickens suffer from mycoplasmosis in the first place. Therefore, you need to be extremely careful and exclude the possibility of eggs from unhealthy laying hens entering the incubator.

Eliminate the possibility of eggs from unhealthy layers entering the incubator

Sometimes unhealthy chickens suffer from diarrhea and, as a result, their general condition deteriorates markedly. Diagnosis of mycoplasmosis is difficult because the disease can develop without any obvious symptoms. Conventionally, the infection includes four main stages of development:

  1. latent stage. Its duration is from 12 to 21 days. An infected and a healthy chicken look the same.
  2. At this stage, signs appear in 5-10% of those infected: in young animals, difficulty breathing and foamy discharge from the nostrils are observed, in an adult bird, a disorder of the reproductive system (decrease in oviposition, death of embryos), cough, (conjunctivitis).
  3. Stage three - an unhealthy body begins to secrete antibodies. This and the final stages proceed unnoticed.
  4. The last stage - infected chickens become carriers of mycoplasmosis.

chicken conjunctivitis

When evaluating the health of the livestock, many farm owners first examine the rooster. This is due to the fact that it is the rooster that shows the symptoms of diseases earlier than the others, so there is a chance to prevent the impending attack. The veterinarian will be able to make an accurate diagnosis after special tests. To do this, he will need to examine the crops of exudates or the so-called polymerase chain reaction.

Roosters are the earliest to show symptoms

Treatment of mycoplasmosis

Sick birds are treated with antibiotics. These can be: streptomycin, chlortetracycline, spiramycin, oxytetracycline and other drugs. At a standard dosage, 200 g of medicine is consumed per 1 ton of feed. Treatment is carried out for 5 days. Chicks are treated with tamulin, and tylosin injections are used to increase egg laying in laying hens.

Tylosin for birds


Colibacillosis is an acute disease that most often affects young animals up to two weeks old. It can have acute and chronic forms of colibacillosis. In the first case, the symptoms will begin to appear from a couple of hours to several days. Characteristic signs are an increased body temperature by 1-2 ° C, severe thirst and loss of interest in food, impaired defecation. Death occurs due to intoxication of the body.

An individual infected with colibacillosis

The next stage is the development of the chronic form, which is a continuation of the acute one. If sick chickens are cured in time, then at first they seem to be quite healthy. But at the same time there is a high chance of re-infection after a couple of days. Clinical signs will begin to appear gradually, with intensification. One of the first symptoms is diarrhea, thirst, loss of appetite, decreased activity. At the same time, the appearance of unhealthy individuals worsens, and they quickly lose weight.

2-3 weeks after infection, the bird has asthma attacks, it becomes difficult for her to breathe and a cough appears. Chickens begin to breathe intermittently and a crunch and scream are periodically heard in the sternum. This suggests that every breath is extremely difficult for them. Seizures and paralysis can occur in young stock when the neck of an infected chick twists abnormally. Very often this leads to death. Recovered individuals in the future will develop worse than their relatives.

Curvature of the neck in chickens

Treatment of colibacillosis

With colibacillosis, antibiotic treatment is also carried out. In this case, veterinarians advise using biomycin, synthomycin or terramycin. Sick individuals are treated for 5 days, but, if necessary, the course of treatment can be repeated.

Antibiotic treatment

Meat or eggs of chickens that have been treated with antibiotics should not be eaten for at least two weeks.

Disease prevention

As noted above, it is impossible to completely protect the livestock from diseases, but this probability can be minimized. To do this, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. The manifestation of symptoms in one chicken is a reason to inspect the entire population, since there is a high chance of infection of several individuals at the same time. They all need to be kept separate from healthy birds. At the same time, infected chickens, if possible, improve the conditions of detention and give food with a high content of vitamins and minerals.
  2. The house must not be drafty or damp and the temperature must not fall below 15°C.
  3. Bird areas are regularly disinfected.

Poultry processing

Self-medication is not always effective. The disease can develop, become more severe and lead to mass death of the bird. It is best to consult with your veterinarian first.

Video - Wheezing in chickens

Video - What hoarse sounds can a chicken make

Sometimes farmers notice hoarse breathing in chickens. This is the same pathology as in humans. More often than not, this is a sign of a disease.

How and what to treat

Timely treatment will help prevent a case.

  • In case of colds and bronchial diseases, it is necessary to once again check the conditions of detention: the house must be dry, without drafts and warm up evenly over the entire area.
  • Overcrowding of birds is unacceptable more than the content standards.
  • Water should be fresh, and the diet should contain the necessary trace elements and vitamins.
  • With a cold snap and an increase in the risk of colds, young animals need to be drunk with nettle broth - this is an effective folk method.
  • It is recommended to treat the chicken coop with smoke bombs.
  • A sick bird must be immediately removed from the herd, it must be closed in a separate aviary and the chicken coop should be disinfected with iodine-containing and chlorine-containing preparations.
  • Immediately you need to start strengthening the bird's immunity by adding vitamin preparations and trace elements to drinking water.
  • When chickens sneeze, powder their nose with streptocide. Do not forget that there may be harmless explanations for a sneeze: a bed of small chips, which, getting into the nose, causes irritation, or the bird may simply choke or snore in a dream.
  • If the symptoms are limited only to the respiratory system, bronchodilators will help: mukaltin, licorice root, broncholithin.
  • You can crush one fourth of the tablets of ciprofloxacin, shake it in water and pour it into the throat. Effective in diseases of the throat lysobacter.

Wheezing and coughing are signs of many diseases that are not easy for a farmer to identify: it can be a virus, an infection, and even tuberculosis or worms.

If the disease is not clear, the sick individual is taken to a veterinarian who conducts laboratory tests to determine the pathogen and recommends what to do next. The study of fresh carcasses of chickens helps in the diagnosis.

Antibiotic treatment

In the treatment of colds and bronchial diseases, antibiotics are indispensable. Antibiotics should be started immediately if the following signs appear in chickens:

  • reddened eyes;
  • wheezing, sneezing and coughing appeared;
  • white discharge began to appear from the beak;
  • when breathing, gurgling sounds are heard;
  • the bird became inactive, lost interest in food.
  • The duration of antibiotic therapy is 5 days. Baytril, streptomycin, erythromycin, oxytetracycline, spiramycin and lincomycin are predominantly used.
  • Mycoplasmosis is perfectly treated with Tiamulin, and Tipozin is used to restore reproductive abilities.
  • If at least one bird in the livestock is sick, the whole herd is treated. When adding antibacterial drugs to feed for the treatment of livestock, 200 g of the drug is applied per ton of feed.
  • Sick chickens are subjected to intensive antibiotic therapy, to which the drug is diluted with water according to the instructions and instilled from a pipette into the beak.
  • The use of antibiotics also depends on the breed of chickens. For example, broiler chickens are given a broad-spectrum antibiotic Enrofloxacin or Baytril (for prophylaxis) from the third day of life, simply by adding it to the water. Even if one chicken from the herd is sick, all birds are subjected to antibiotic therapy. After antibiotic therapy, poultry meat and eggs should not be eaten for two weeks.


Colds in chickens are the most common. The main cause of the disease: violation of conditions of detention, hypothermia, drafts. The following symptoms indicate the development of a cold:

  • the chicken has heavy breathing;
  • she breathes through an open mouth;
  • chickens sneeze, may wheeze;
  • snot appears from the nose, a runny nose begins;
  • starts coughing.

Colds should be treated as soon as possible. Otherwise, it can be aggravated by serious bronchial complications.


Infectious laryngotracheitis is a respiratory disease characterized by inflammation of the mucous membranes of the trachea, nasal cavity, conjunctiva and is accompanied by heavy breathing, wheezing, coughing. The incubation period lasts from a couple of days to a month.

The first symptoms may appear after 3-7 days. In the acute course of the disease, individual individuals are first infected, after a week - the entire chicken coop. A sick chicken has:

  • lethargy and general oppression;
  • loss of appetite;
  • immobility;
  • the presence of whistling and croaking sounds in the larynx;
  • breathing through an open beak;
  • the bird may start coughing up blood;
  • due to swelling of the larynx, the bird may experience choking attacks or the bird shakes its head when it starts to choke, its neck stretches;
  • the rooster loses its voice;
  • your head may start to swell.

If chickens are left untreated, they begin to go blind. Mortality in acute form of laryngotracheitis reaches 60%.

infectious bronchitis

Infectious bronchitis is a new disease that can cause the death of the entire livestock. It can be easily confused with a cold, but if treatment does not improve, then infectious bronchitis should be suspected.

The causative agent of the disease is an environmentally persistent coronavirus that can survive for several weeks on bird feathers and up to 10 days on eggs. Chickens under the age of 30 days are most susceptible to pathology.

The source of infection is not only sick chickens, but also those who have been ill and have been carriers for more than three months. The spreader of the infection can be a person working in the poultry house, and even inventory.

Contribute to the spread of the virus: litter and a common drinker contaminated with the secretions of a sick bird.

Symptoms of the disease are as follows:

  • chickens wheeze: the nasopharynx is filled with mucus, a whistling sound is heard when inhaling;
  • start to sneeze;
  • chickens begin to stretch their necks to breathe;
  • conjunctivitis develops;
  • then cough.

In older hens, disturbances occur in the reproductive system. In this age group, the following phenomena can be noted:

  • egg formation is disrupted (the shell becomes discolored, thinner and softened, growths and bumps appear on it);
  • oviposition deteriorates. When walking, the laying hen lowers her wings and drags her legs.

It only takes three days for the infection to spread. The virus is airborne and active within a kilometer radius. Sick chickens die in 35%.


More often, bronchopneumonia is the result of an untreated cold. Bronchopneumonia is a dangerous complex disease that causes the death of a bird.

Causes of the disease:

  • staphylococcal or pneumococcal infections of the upper respiratory tract, spreading gradually to the underlying segments;
  • adverse effects of dampness or drafts;
  • complication of bronchitis.

More often sick with bronchopneumonia 2, 3-week-old young.

Main symptoms:

  • the breathing of a sick chicken becomes heavy, she breathes with an open beak;
  • wet rales are heard;
  • chickens begin to sneeze, cough and runny nose appear;
  • sick chickens become lethargic, inactive, they themselves cannot eat and drink;
  • sit disheveled separately.

Already on the second day, the loss of livestock may begin.


Mycoplasmosis is an infectious disease that affects chickens and is the result of excessive dampness in the house and poor ventilation.

Microorganisms Mycoplasma gallisepticum and Mycoplasma synoviae affect the respiratory organs and eyes. Usually young animals with a weakened immune system are susceptible to the disease.

The disease is transmitted:

  • from mother to offspring;
  • through water in drinkers;
  • by air.

Kura becomes infected extremely quickly due to the fact that the latent period of the disease can be up to three weeks. If chickens and chickens sneeze, in order to save the livestock, it is necessary to immediately isolate the sick.

The pathogen enters the mucous membranes, depresses the respiratory and reproductive organs, affects the immune system. Young animals are most susceptible to death as a result of this disease.

The virus can even infect an egg, so infected eggs and eggs from a sick mother should be destroyed immediately. The particular danger of mycoplasmosis is that any other bird can become infected from chickens: ducks, turkeys.


Young animals up to 2 weeks of age can often get sick with colibacillosis. The duration of the incubation period is 3 days. In the acute form, the bird's body temperature rises by one and a half to two degrees, thirst appears, the sick bird loses its appetite, then weight and weakens. At first she suffers from constipation, after a while diarrhea begins. Death is inevitable from intoxication and resulting sepsis. If treatment is ineffective, the acute form quickly becomes chronic.

Symptoms increase gradually. Vivid signs of the disease are:

  • diarrhea;
  • change in appearance - the bird sits disheveled and with dirty feathers;
  • strong thirst;
  • due to lack of appetite, the individual loses weight;
  • after a couple of weeks, shortness of breath and cough appear;
  • chickens wheeze heavily and often sneeze;
  • a scream and crunch is heard in the sternum;
  • the bird turns its head unnaturally.

Even if the sick chicken was cured, its development stops there.


Aspergillus is caused by the fungus Aspergillus, which affects the respiratory system. Aspergella is transmitted through feed grain: excessive dampness contributes to its reproduction.


  • dyspnea;
  • heavy breathing with dry rales;
  • the birds look tired and sleepy all the time.

In the acute course of the disease, mortality reaches 80%. Regular checks of feed grains, treatment of the grain storage area with antifungal agents, regular cleaning of the chicken coop and replacement of bedding will help to avoid an outbreak.

Aspergillus is treated with antifungal medications and adding copper sulfate to water and food for a few days.

General symptoms

Many diseases in birds begin with wheezing.

  • The breathing of a sick bird is very different from the breathing of a healthy one: whistling and screaming are heard. Mucus accumulates in the respiratory tract of the bird, provoking the occurrence of uncharacteristic sounds during breathing.

These first signs indicate the onset of colds, bronchial or other diseases.

As soon as the chicken begins to wheeze or sneeze, it must immediately be isolated from the livestock and the cause of the disease must be established in order to prescribe an effective treatment. Otherwise, one bird can infect everyone in the coop.

Chickens, like other poultry, are susceptible to various infections and diseases. It's no secret that birds sometimes get sick, but what if a chicken has picked up such a dangerous disease as wheezing? What does this happen from and how to treat if the chicken wheezes, sneezes and coughs? We will talk about the causes and methods of treatment below.

Causes of wheezing

By itself, wheezing is a sound that is not characteristic of the respiratory systems of chickens. If the chickens are wheezing, coughing or sneezing while breathing heavily through their mouths, this definitely indicates an infection in the body. Often wheezing is a symptom of bronchitis. In this case, wheezing in chickens can be either wet or dry. We will talk more about the reasons below.

It must be borne in mind that the wheezing directly that comes from the bird is not a disease, but a symptom that is concomitant. In the event that you find wheezing in your chickens, you should first consult with your veterinarian, as this may be the result of not only a cold. Chickens breathe heavily, sneeze, they develop a cough if the disease is not treated in a timely manner. Moreover, if you do not devote time to this, then in practice chickens often die from such ailments.

So what is it coming from?

In order, consider all the reasons why chickens wheeze:

  1. First of all, it's a common cold. In fact, if a bird coughs from a cold, then this is not so scary, since the disease itself is harmless. The cause of a cold is hypothermia or dampness in the room where the bird is kept. Often, for such reasons, chickens not only cough and breathe heavily, but also wheeze. It is recommended to treat this ailment so that it does not develop into something more.
  2. Another reason birds cough and wheeze is respiratory mycoplasmosis. Such a disease is more serious than a cold, since this infection affects the respiratory tract and organs of the bird. In this case, wheezing is manifested as a result of poor ventilation of the room and, accordingly, regular dampness in it.
  3. If the chicken breathes heavily through its mouth, sneezes and wheezes, then this may be the cause of infectious bronchitis.
    In practice, this infectious disease is very serious. In this case, wheezing may be accompanied by regular discharge from the nasopharynx with a film. But the consequences could be more dire. Infectious bronchitis eventually affects the kidneys of chickens, and also negatively affects egg production, even if the bird is cured. In the event that chickens have caught bronchitis, they, as a rule, cannot cope with the infection and die. In this case, the incubation period of the virus is from 18 to 36 hours and it usually spreads by airborne droplets, that is, it is contagious. Moreover, in open areas, between farms, it can spread up to 1 kilometer. If the form of the disease is severe, then this can provoke inflammation of the oviduct.
  4. Another reason that the bird has a cough, wheezing and the chicken sneezes is bronchopneumonia.
    As practice shows, usually such an ailment is characteristic of chickens under the age of three weeks, in adult chickens it is much less common. Chicks can become infected with the disease as a result of improper management or hypothermia. In this case, the lungs are infected first, and then the lung tissue and the film located on the inside of the lungs. In such cases, the feathered one breathes very heavily and he develops a cough as a result of irritation of the respiratory tract. With this outcome of events, the bird often goes blind and dies.
  5. colibacillosis. In this case, the chicken also breathes heavily through its mouth, it has a cough and wheezing, the birds sneeze. In particular, wheezing is usually fixed when the bird moves. It should be noted that with colibacillosis, the bird will stop eating, that is, it will lose its appetite, it will constantly have a high temperature.

Methods of treatment

What to do and how to treat a chicken if it is breathing heavily, wheezing, sneezing and coughing?

  1. First of all, when coughing and wheezing, it is necessary to ventilate and dry the room where the birds are kept. It should also be insulated if it is very cold there.
  2. Please note that when coughing, the air temperature in the chicken coop should be at least 15 degrees.
  3. If chickens sneeze, wheeze and cough, then the treatment is to give nettle decoction instead of ordinary water.
  4. Chicken cough and wheezing can be eliminated with regular inhalation. For example, in such cases, Izatizon or analogues can be used.

In the event that chickens cough and sneeze, and wheezing accompanies sputum, the treatment scenario is slightly different.

What do we have to do:

  1. Specialists often prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs or bronchodilators to such birds. But it is better not to engage in treatment on your own, in any case, we recommend consulting with a veterinarian.
  2. If the form of the disease is severe, then anti-inflammatory drugs alone will not work - it is necessary to use antibiotics, a full course.

If your bird sneezes and coughs with a wheeze, then this is not a reason to immediately stuff it with antibiotics. Many have heard that chickens die from wheezing, but this is in cases where birds have weak immunity.

In fact, some doctors confirm the need for antibiotic injections, others prescribe the use of inhaled medications:

  1. For example, for inhalation, you can use specialized smoke bombs. They can be applied immediately to the entire brood of chickens.
  2. If you see that not all hens are wheezing and coughing, then infected individuals should be removed from the entire brood as soon as possible. What to do next: you will treat only them, and you can only let them go back to the rest of the chickens when they recover.

Today, young chickens are often vaccinated on farms. Accordingly, they get sick much less often, but often they are carriers of various diseases. Often, when young chicks are placed with older hens, the latter will sneeze and cough, while the older ones will not. This means that the young have immunity to disease, unlike the old. What to do?

Medicines should be added to the feeder:

  • Tetracycline tablets or drops;
  • Sulfadimezin;
  • or furazolidone.

In any case, before proceeding with self-treatment, it is necessary to consult a veterinarian. Only a doctor will be able to prescribe the right treatment, which will not aggravate the situation, but, on the contrary, will help cure patients. Often farmers resort to self-treatment, which leads to negative consequences.

If the chicken is sick with mycoplasma, then only antibiotics will help in this case.

This is about:

  • streptomycin;
  • Chlortetracycline;
  • Oxytetracycline;
  • Lincomycin;
  • Spiramycin;
  • Erythromycin, etc.

As for the dosage, it should be at least 200 grams per ton of feed. In this case, the bird is treated for at least five days.

Preventive measures

As for preventive measures:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to disinfect the hatching eggs and the incubators themselves.
  2. Since most of the above diseases are contagious, it is also necessary to disinfect the premises where chickens are kept (if they are not kept in an incubator). Thoroughly disinfect the drinker and feeder, replace the straw with a new one, burn the old one.
  3. If your birds have respiratory mycoplasmosis, then the place of their keeping must also be treated with aerosols prescribed by a veterinarian.
  4. If your chickens are suffering from infectious bronchitis, then the entire sick brood should be slaughtered, in which case treatment is unlikely to help. Conditionally healthy chickens should be used to obtain food eggs, but subsequently they will also need to be sent for slaughter.
  5. If you own a poultry farm and grow broilers, then any sanitary waste should be subjected to technical disposal. Sick individuals should be sent for industrial processing at a poultry plant.
  6. If you, having entered the room where the chickens are kept, feel that it is humid there, then it should be ventilated. It is recommended to do this from time to time, regardless of whether it is wet or not. Before winter, it must be insulated to avoid the occurrence of the disease.
  7. If at least one coughing bird is detected, it is recommended to isolate it until it has infected the rest of the individuals.

Video "How to treat chickens in case of illness"

For information on how to treat chickens for various diseases, see the video.

What deviations in normal behavior and external state indicate the disease? Many diseases are characterized by a rapid course, which leads to the loss of livestock, in order to avoid this, it is necessary to inspect the herd daily for alarming symptoms. So, diseases of laying hens and their treatment, photos and descriptions of ailments - this is worth talking about in order to know what actions to take in a particular situation.

What should you pay attention to?

Diseases of laying hens at home can be cured if the symptoms are identified in time. First of all, the following general symptoms appear:

  • the bird becomes lethargic;
  • spends most of the time on the perch;
  • does not want to move and sits with his eyes closed;
  • apathetic state is replaced by excitement and anxiety;
  • difficulty breathing, the bird may make sounds atypical for it.

If the following symptoms are found, treatment should be started immediately:

  • the appearance of mucous secretions;
  • the presence of inflammatory processes near the visual organs or the respiratory system;
  • the condition of the feather cover worsens, feathers may fall out, look sloppy and dirty;
  • digestive system disorder - birds begin to have diarrhea.

Characteristics of diseases

Everything is not so simple here, and not every disease can be treated. With some infections, you can lose all the livestock. It is because of this that such ailments must be taken with all seriousness.


The disease has another name - typhus. Both adult birds and young birds are susceptible, the first sign is a digestive disorder. It is transmitted by airborne droplets from sick individuals to healthy ones. Sick laying hens transmit the virus to their eggs, and as a result, infected young stock are born. The disease is characterized by an acute course (at first), then a chronic form begins, which chickens get sick throughout their lives.

Symptoms :

  • chickens become lethargic and move little;
  • refuse food, diarrhea begins, the bird is very thirsty;
  • the color of the feces becomes yellowish, frothy;
  • rapid breathing;
  • the young are weak, the chickens fall on their backs or sit on their paws;
  • in adult livestock, there are changes in the color of the crest, they become pale in earrings;
  • there is complete exhaustion of the body.

Treatment Methods

An accurate diagnosis can only be made with the help of a biological preparation containing a pullorose antigen. If the disease is detected, treatment should be started immediately.

As soon as the first signs appear, sick birds must be transferred to a separate room and given an antibiotic. Most often, treatment is carried out with biomycin or neomycin. These medications are sold exclusively in veterinary pharmacies, where you can also consult about the use. It would be useful to use furazolidone for both sick and healthy individuals, it is added to the feed.

Preventive measures

A daily inspection of the livestock is necessary in order to timely cull sick young or adult birds. In the poultry house, sanitary and hygienic conditions must be observed. Regularly ventilate the house.

It is important to know! Typhus is transmitted to humans.


Avian cholera (second name) affects both domestic and wild birds. It has two forms: acute and chronic. Spread by a microorganism - Pasteurella, which is very well adapted to environmental conditions. Pasteurella retains the ability to survive in excrement, aquatic environment, feed, corpses. Carriers can be birds that have recently had a disease or are currently ill. Also, avian cholera spreads among rodents.


  • depression of the state, inactivity;
  • birds have a fever;
  • refusal to feed and with it a strong thirst;
  • a malfunction of the digestive system is characterized by diarrhea;
  • liquid feces can be green and bloody;
  • mucous discharge from the nasal cavity;
  • breathing problems, wheezing is heard;
  • the joints of the extremities swell, bend.

Treatment Methods

Treatment is carried out with sulfa drugs. Sulfamethazine is mixed with water or feed at the rate of 0.1% of the total volume of water, and 0.5% of the feed. Both healthy and sick birds should be given green grass and vitamin complexes in large quantities. To carry out the disinfection of the premises for birds and all inventory.

Preventive measures

The owner must take measures to exterminate rodents, close all available ways of their penetration to bird food. Before laying eggs in the incubator, they must be disinfected.

A sick bird must be destroyed. To maintain a healthy livestock, timely vaccination against cholera is done.

It is important to know! The disease is transmitted to people, usually in an acute form.


In another way, the disease is called paratyphoid. There are two types of flow: acute and chronic. Chickens are most commonly affected. The causative agent of the disease is salmonella. Method of transmission: from diseased individuals to healthy ones, incubation material may also be affected. Salmonella can easily penetrate the shell, and they can also be in feed, litter, or transmitted by air. As soon as symptoms are detected, diseased animals should be isolated and treated. Paratyphoid is contagious and extremely dangerous.


  • birds become lethargic and weak;
  • having difficulty breathing;
  • there are tumors on the eyelids, the eyes are watery;
  • indigestion in the form of foamy diarrhea;
  • the joints of the limbs swell, with paratyphoid the bird tips over on its back, convulsive movements begin with its paws;
  • the area near the cloaca is inflamed, as well as the onset of inflammatory processes in the internal organs.

Treatment Methods

Paratyphoid is treated with furazolidone, it is necessary to conduct a course for 20 days. The tablet is dissolved in 3 liters of water and poured into a drinking bowl. A course of streptomycin 100 thousand units per kg of feed is prescribed together, twice a day. Treatment should not last less than 10 days. Then stop giving the medicine for one week, and repeat the course.

Preventive measures

To maintain health, immune serum is used for vaccination. As soon as the treatment is completed, disinfection measures are taken in the premises for birds, and all inventory is also processed.

Ill birds become carriers of paratyphoid and can pass it on to healthy livestock, it is best to destroy such birds. If salmonellosis is detected in at least one chicken, synthomycin is drunk for everyone else at the rate of 15 ml per head or chloramphenicol is used. The dose is divided into several servings. Dacha occurs three times a day - 7 days.

It is important to know! The disease is transmitted to people and has an acute form.

Marek's disease

It is a very common disease. Neurolyphotosis or infectious paralysis (Marek's name) is caused by a virus that affects the central nervous system, the organs of vision. Tumors are formed on the skin, bones of the skeleton, internal organs. When infected with Marek, the work of the musculoskeletal system is disrupted.

Symptoms :

  • refusal to feed, signs of general exhaustion;
  • the iris of the eye changes color;
  • there is a narrowing of the pupil, often leading to blindness;
  • pallor of the comb, earrings, mucous membranes is observed;
  • disruption of the musculoskeletal system;
  • paralyzes goiter;
  • the bird is practically unable to move, obvious lameness is visible.

Treatment Methods

To establish a diagnosis, you need to contact a veterinarian. There is no cure and the livestock must be destroyed. Viru is dangerous because it has survivability and can exist in feather follicles for a long time.

Preventive measures

It is necessary to vaccinate daily young, this is the only thing that will help prevent infection. It is pointless to vaccinate an adult livestock, there will be no positive result. Before buying young animals, you must familiarize yourself with the veterinary certificate of vaccination.

It is important to know! It does not pose a threat to people, not a single case has been identified.

Bronchitis of an infectious nature

First of all, the respiratory system in young animals is affected, and in the adult livestock, the reproductive organs are affected. Egg production is on the decline and in some cases stops forever.

The virion virus is the causative agent. It can continue to live in chicken eggs and internal tissues. The virion is easy to deal with with ultraviolet irradiation and a number of disinfectants. The method of transmission is airborne, as well as with the help of bedding and tools for work. As soon as infectious bronchitis is detected, quarantine measures on the farm will have to be introduced for a year. The disease is extremely dangerous for nearby poultry farms. Herd mortality - 70%.


  • chickens begin to cough, breathe with difficulty;
  • mucous discharge from the nasal cavity, rhinitis;
  • in some cases, birds have conjunctivitis;
  • young animals refuse to eat, cuddle up to heat sources;
  • the kidneys and ureters are affected - along with this, diarrhea begins, and the bird itself looks oppressed.

Treatment Methods

As soon as the diagnosis of "infectious bronchitis" is made, quarantine is introduced due to the incurability of the disease. A ban is introduced on the movement of products obtained from birds and for sale. Regular disinfection treatments are carried out in all rooms where chickens were kept. Spraying aerosols containing chlorturpentine, Lugol's solution, aluminum iodide, etc.

Preventive measures

Incubation material must be obtained from healthy stock. If chickens were purchased at a poultry farm or from a private breeder, they need to be quarantined for 10 days (time for the development of a latent form of the disease). Vaccination helps prevent the development of the disease. Breeding birds must be vaccinated before laying begins.


Coliinfection occurs not only in laying hens, but also in other birds that are kept on the farm. The disease occurs due to pathogenic Escherichia coli. At the very beginning, the internal organs are affected. With a poor unbalanced diet, unsanitary conditions in the premises for birds, as well as in walking areas, leads to the development of kaolibacteriosis. The acute course is typical for young animals, the chronic form in adult livestock.


  • refusal to eat, strong desire to drink;
  • the bird is lethargic, indifferent to what is happening;
  • the temperature rises;
  • breathing difficulties, wheezing is heard;
  • the peritoneum becomes inflamed, there may be diarrhea.

Treatment Methods

An accurate diagnosis is required. Treatment is carried out with the use of antibiotics: terramycin, biomycin, which are mixed with food. Spraying of sulfadimezin is used, an additive to the diet of multivitamins.

Preventive measures

Compliance with sanitary and hygienic procedures, freshness and balancing of the diet.

It is important to know! The disease is transmitted to people, most often in an acute form.


It is a chronic respiratory ailment, maybe both in chickens and in adult livestock. Mycoplasma excites diseases and is a special form of life, located between the kingdom of viruses and bacteria.


  • breathing difficulties, wheezing, the bird sneezes and coughs;
  • mucus and liquid discharge from the nasal cavity;
  • the membrane of the organs of vision becomes inflamed, redness is visible;
  • some birds develop indigestion.

Treatment Methods

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to accurately diagnose the disease. Unhealthy livestock must be destroyed. With mild depletion or conditional health of the individual, antibiotics are used. It is necessary to introduce oxytetracycline or chlortetracycline into the diet at the rate of 0.4 g per 1 kg of food for 7 days. Then a pass is made for three days and the treatment is repeated. It is acceptable to take other medicines.

Preventive measures

On the 3rd day after birth, chickens need to drink a solution of tilan (0.5 g / l, drink for 3 days). It is recommended to repeat prophylaxis every 56 days. The birdhouse is equipped with good natural ventilation or additional equipment is installed.

It is important to know! The disease does not harm a person. In humans, mycoplasmosis is of a different kind. The chicken form is distributed exclusively between birds.



  • identification of general weakness and signs of exhaustion;
  • difficulty swallowing;
  • the air from the lungs of a bird has an unpleasant odor;
  • the presence of red spots on the skin, they then combine and become yellow-gray;
  • the appearance of scabs on the skin.

Treatment Methods

The success of treatment can only be if it is carried out at the onset of the disease. Skin with lesions is wiped with furatsilin in the form of a solution (3-5%) or boric acid (2%), the use of galazolin is recommended. For internal use, biomycin, terramycin, tetracycline are used for 7 days. The diseased herd must be destroyed so that the disease does not spread.

Preventive measures

Strictly comply with hygienic and sanitary requirements. Carry out regular cleaning and disinfection activities in the premises for birds, you also need to process inventory.

It is important to know! For humans, the disease is not dangerous.

Newcastle disease

It is characterized by damage to the central nervous system, respiratory system, and the digestive system. In another way, Newcastle disease is called pseudoplague or atypical plague. You can get infected through sick or recently recovered individuals, food, water, droppings. Transmitted by air. Most often, the disease occurs in young chickens; adult flocks with pseudoplague do not show symptoms.


  • temperature increase;
  • sleepy bird;
  • mucus accumulates in the oral and nasal cavities;
  • chickens begin to spin, trembling of the head is noticed;
  • the bird falls on its side, its head throws back;
  • the work of the motor apparatus is disrupted;
  • there is no swallowing reflex;
  • blue comb.

Treatment Methods

There is no cure. The death of the livestock occurs after three days, in some cases, it is 100%. If a diagnosis of Newcastle disease is made, it is better to destroy the herd.

Preventive measures

Sanitary standards must be strictly observed. In some cases, vaccination can be saved. There are three types of vaccine containing live, laboratory attenuated, live attenuated in nature, and inactivated pathogens.

Destroyed birds or dead from pseudo-plague must be burned or buried in special places, throwing corpses with quicklime.

It is important to know! The disease is dangerous for people, has an acute form of the course.

Bird flu

This disease is viral, primarily affects the stomach and respiratory system. It has a severe form of flow, and leads to mass death of livestock. Special immunity in chickens up to 20 days of life.


  • heat;
  • diarrhea;
  • earrings and comb have a bluish color;
  • the bird is lethargic, sleepy;
  • difficulty breathing, wheezing.

Treatment Methods

There is no cure, as soon as signs of the disease appear, the herd must be slaughtered. The corpses are burned or buried in cattle burial grounds at great depths and covered with quicklime.

Preventive measures

Strict observance of sanitary standards, as well as regular disinfection of bird rooms and inventory tools. As soon as bird flu is detected, the bird is rejected and slaughtered.

It is important to know! Represents a great danger to people because of the ability to mutate. Can develop in the human body.

Gumboro disease

It is a dangerous viral infection that most often affects chickens up to the age of 20 weeks. The bag of Fabricius, the lymphatic system become inflamed, hemorrhages occur in the muscles and stomach. In addition, the immune system suffers, which is why there is a high mortality rate.


  • the disease has no pronounced characteristic signs;
  • diarrhea, the cloaca may be pecked;
  • the temperature in the aisles of the norm in some cases decreases.

Treatment Methods

The disease is incurable, the death of the livestock on the 4th day. As a rule, the diagnosis occurs post-mortem. The destroyed livestock is buried in a specially designated place, covered with quicklime, or burned.

Preventive measures

Sanitation must be strictly observed. Acquired livestock must be quarantined.

It is important to know! Does not pose a danger to people.


It is an acute infectious disease. It happens not only in laying hens, but also in the rest of poultry. The larynx, trachea become inflamed, in some cases there may be conjunctivitis. The method of transmission is airborne. In sick and recovered birds, immunity develops for a long time, but laying hens continue to be carriers for several more years.


  • breathing difficulties;
  • inflammation of the mucous membranes;
  • decrease in egg productivity;
  • conjunctivitis.

Treatment Methods

When the form is started, the methods of treatment do not give a result. With the help of tromexin, the condition of sick birds can be alleviated. The drug dissolves with water 2g/l on the first day, 1g/l thereafter. The course lasts until recovery occurs, but should not be less than five days.

Prevention measures

Compliance with sanitary conditions. Carrying out vaccinations. Planting in the quarantine room of the acquired livestock.

It is important to know! It poses no danger to people.

Invasive diseases

  • heterokidosis;
  • defeat by downy eaters;
  • ascariasis;
  • coccidiosis;
  • knemycodosis.



The symptoms of coccidiosis are similar to intestinal infections. The bird begins to refuse feed, diarrhea may occur. Feces are green and may have blood clots. Individuals quickly lose weight, observe anemia, egg productivity disappears. After some time, positive changes in the health of birds begin, but then the signs return.

Treatment Methods

Anti-microbial drugs are used for treatment. The most commonly prescribed nitrofuran series or sulfonamides. This is done by a veterinarian.



There are no clear signs.


Also caused by nematodes.


Leads to weight loss and emaciation. Decreased egg productivity. In some cases, there is bloody discharge from the mouth and diarrhea.

Treatment Methods

The use of antihelminthic agents, and the deworming of livestock.

Downy eaters


When infected, there is a decrease in appetite, weight loss, lack of egg production.

Prevention measures

The device of dry baths, in which they put a mixture of dust, sand and ash. Also, this mixture can be poured into the chicken coop.

It is important to carry out disinfection measures, process equipment and premises for birds.


The disease is caused by feather mites.


Most often they live among the feather cover on the limbs. Chickens actively peck at these places, after which swelling occurs on the legs. In addition, damage is formed at the site of pecking, on which crusts grow over time.


It is necessary to treat livestock, and the sooner the better. First of all, it is treated with stomazan, neocidon. Processing only external.

If signs of a secondary infection appear in the pecked place, then it is necessary to start treatment with antibacterial drugs.

Other diseases

This list of diseases is far from complete. There are diseases that are directly related to the wrong approach to feeding. These include:

  • gastritis;
  • inflammatory processes in the goiter;
  • uric acid diathesis

The goiter can become inflamed because foreign objects, spoiled food get there. It also occurs with a lack of vitamin A. To begin treatment, it is necessary to identify the source.

If a foreign object is found, surgical intervention will be required. If the reason is different, then a therapeutic diet is prescribed for the bird, milk or flaxseed broth is drunk, potassium permanganate is used to wash the goiter, soda is added to the shelves in the form of a five percent solution. Treatment is carried out until complete recovery occurs.

When uric acid diathesis (gout) occurs, a diet that lacks proteins is necessary. By the way, mainly adult birds are susceptible to the disease.

The feed should contain a lot of green feed, carotene and vitamin A. Their deficiency is very easy to recognize. It manifests itself in paralysis of the limbs, refusal to feed, motionless sitting in one place, goiter or intestines can become inflamed.

Gastritis is diagnosed by signs such as the presence of ruffled feathers, diarrhea and a weakened state of the bird. For treatment, a diet, a tincture of hemp seed, and a weak solution of manganese are used. As a preventive measure, fresh green fodder and vegetables are used.

Another common disease that occurs when improper feeding, or lack of vitamins, is salpingitis (inflammatory processes in the oviduct).

The most important symptom is egg production that has an irregular shape, lack of shell, and then the ability to carry eggs disappears.

Treatment consists in normalizing the diet, supplementing with vitamins, and monitoring the laying hens so that the matter does not end with a prolapse of the oviduct. If this happens, then you need to call a veterinarian who will set it in place.

Proper feeding with quality food helps to avoid alopecia (severe feather loss, which is not associated with feather mites).

Video. Diseases of chickens

A healthy herd with proper care and feeding is rarely affected by pathogens that give impetus to the development of various diseases. But even with an ideal content, coughing in chickens can occur when eating poisonous plants. The respiratory organs can begin to function with deviations when a bird pecks colza, horseradish, rapeseed, field mustard, wild radish. They have a depressing effect on tissue respiration and even act paralytically on the respiratory tract, common flax, large mannik, Sudanese sorghum and others. Chickens can start sneezing and wheezing for the following reasons:

If a chicken begins to sneeze or cough, then it should be isolated from the herd until the cause of this phenomenon is determined.

infectious bronchitis

The disease affects the reproductive activity of the adult population. The number of eggs is significantly reduced, or not at all, and the young growth is slowed down. Signs of infectious bronchitis may include:

  • The oppressed state of birds;
  • Cough and slightly difficult breathing, slight wheezing is felt;
  • Discharge of mucus from the nose;
  • Rapid pulse (normal readings 120-150 beats per minute). It is determined by heart beat. The temperature is elevated (should be up to 42 degrees);
  • Paleness of mucous membranes;
  • Available ;
  • Appears, the number of products is sharply reduced.

At the opening of laying hens, cysts and constrictions are found. The oviduct is reduced. And in some individuals, ovulation passes into the body cavity.

For about 3 months, a bird that has been ill with infectious bronchitis can be a carrier of the virus. And the infection of other individuals occurs through saliva, droppings.

Colds: wheezing, mucus

Colds. It is most common where in the cold season there is not only no heating in the chicken coop, but even no light. Incandescent lamps, after all, raise the ambient temperature slightly. And as a result of such improper maintenance - hypothermia and disease of the bird. The airways begin to become inflamed, and pulmonary edema may occur. Symptoms of a cold appear:

  • Breathing difficult;
  • The chicken sneezes, wheezes, begins to breathe through the mouth;
  • Mucus appears from the beak;
  • Cough starts;
  • Increased intestinal peristalsis;
  • Shortness of breath appears;
  • The number of respiratory movements increases above 32 per minute.

Chickens have swelling in the eye area, a curvature of the neck. They walk with their heads down and their wings hanging down.

Colds need to be treated. Easy form even folk methods. If you do not get rid of this pathology, then the disease can turn into a more dangerous one - bronchopneumonia.

Bronchopneumonia: runny nose, cough

It is an acute or chronic disease. In this case, inflammation of the bronchi and lungs occurs. The main signs of pathology:

  • General depressed state of the body;
  • Partial or complete loss of appetite;
  • At the beginning of the disease, the cough is dry, and then turning into a wet one;
  • Discharge from the nose;
  • Body temperature is elevated. Can rise strongly from time to time;
  • The mucous membranes become cyanotic;
  • The pulse is quickened;
  • Increased intestinal peristalsis and as a result diarrhea;
  • The hen sits often.

If the animals are weakened, then after 3-5 days they die. Sometimes the illness can last for about 2 weeks. And then it becomes chronic. This means that it will continue for a long time with periodic exacerbations.

When there is no good care and a balanced diet, then sick individuals, as a rule, die.


This is a viral disease that affects the upper respiratory tract. Most often, adults are affected. Respiratory mycoplasmosis can be detected in adult laying hens by the following characteristic features:

  • Breathing is difficult, coughing or sneezing appears;
  • The mucous membrane of the eyes turns red;
  • The tongue becomes pale or bluish;
  • Decreased egg production
  • Often there is inflammation of the oviduct;
  • Body temperature is normal or slightly elevated.

As a complication of the disease, sinusitis, inflammation of the joints can occur. Therefore, pay attention to the movement of laying hens. They may limp. And when examining the legs, thickened joints can be seen.

In chickens, the symptoms are not as pronounced as in adult chickens. However, they die very quickly. Poultry farmers may notice:

  • Depressed state, lethargy, lethargy;
  • Refusal of food;
  • Sometimes there is lacrimation, secretion of serous fluid from the nose.

Most often, broilers are susceptible to infection with mycoplasma, as they have a high growth rate and a loose constitution. And also they are grown in closed and often not ventilated rooms, in which the litter immediately becomes damp.


An infectious disease that is very acute. The incubation period of colibacillosis is from several hours to three days. The following symptoms are characteristic of the disease:

  • The oppressed state of chickens;
  • They become lethargic, inactive;
  • Partially or completely refuse food;
  • The joints of the legs become inflamed, the chickens can start to fall on their feet;
  • The mucous membranes become cyanotic;
  • Intestinal peristalsis increases, diarrhea appears. Litter watery, whitish. Sometimes with blood;
  • Feathers lose their luster and become dirty;
  • There is shortness of breath, accompanied by suffocation.

You can find out why chickens fall on their feet.

If the young survive, then the growth of its muscle mass slows down. Good productivity in adult laying hens, most likely, will not be.

Treatment options for these symptoms

There are special preparations for the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system in poultry. But, first of all, it is necessary to create good conditions for keeping and feeding:

  • Put a sick bird in a separate aviary;
  • Provide a dry and clean area for walking and good ventilation in the chicken coop;
  • To increase the protective properties of the body, develop a balanced diet.

Qualified assistance can only be provided by a veterinary worker. Therefore, it is necessary to seek help in a timely manner.

If this is not possible, then chickens can be treated with the following methods and preparations:

Colds: the chicken starts sneezing, it's hard to breathe

The common cold is not a fatal disease. But if left untreated, it can turn into a more complex form - bronchopneumonia. Therefore, it is necessary to make some efforts to get rid of a seemingly simple and common disease:

  • Treat the chicken coop where the sick bird is planted with chlorine turpentine. To do this, mix turpentine and bleach (1: 4). Or spray Lugol. It is sold in veterinary pharmacies. Spray the room in which there are sick chickens with the drug at least 5 times a day;
  • Wash the drinkers thoroughly and disinfect. No need to pour fresh water. It is better to replace it with a decoction of medicinal chamomile or nettle. And you can also add teas from raspberries, viburnum or linden leaves;
  • The chicken coop should always be dry fresh;
  • The poultry farmer should try to avoid drafts in the room.

It is imperative to carry out, as well as the entire inventory.

Bronchopneumonia and heavy breathing: what to do

It is possible to cure a sick bird only with an enhanced course of antibiotics.
Apply Terramycin, Norfloxacin, Erythromycin and others. The course of treatment is from 5 to 7 days. If the poultry farmer does not want to use antibacterial agents, you can try folk recipes: Dissolve the mummy in a teaspoon of warm water and add honey there. The proportions must be respected: a part of mumiyo and two parts of liquid honey. The treatment is long. Recovery can occur in 3-4 weeks;

Without soldering chickens with antibiotics, but using only folk remedies, you can ensure that the disease goes into a subacute or chronic form.

Sometimes farmers notice hoarse breathing in chickens. This is the same pathology as in humans. More often than not, this is a sign of a disease.

Timely treatment will help prevent a case.

  • In case of colds and bronchial diseases, it is necessary to once again check the conditions of detention: the house must be dry, without drafts and warm up evenly over the entire area.
  • Overcrowding of birds is unacceptable more than the content standards.
  • Water should be fresh, and the diet should contain the necessary trace elements and vitamins.
  • With a cold snap and an increase in the risk of colds, young animals need to be drunk with nettle broth - this is an effective folk method.
  • It is recommended to treat the chicken coop with smoke bombs.
  • A sick bird must be immediately removed from the herd, it must be closed in a separate aviary and the chicken coop should be disinfected with iodine-containing and chlorine-containing preparations.
  • Immediately you need to start strengthening the bird's immunity by adding vitamin preparations and trace elements to drinking water.
  • When chickens sneeze, powder their nose with streptocide. Do not forget that there may be harmless explanations for a sneeze: a bed of small chips, which, getting into the nose, causes irritation, or the bird may simply choke or snore in a dream.
  • If the symptoms are limited only to the respiratory system, bronchodilators will help: mukaltin, licorice root, broncholithin.
  • You can crush one fourth of the tablets of ciprofloxacin, shake it in water and pour it into the throat. Effective in diseases of the throat lysobacter.

Wheezing and coughing are signs of many diseases that are not easy for a farmer to identify: it can be a virus, an infection, and even tuberculosis or worms.

If the disease is not clear, the sick individual is taken to a veterinarian who conducts laboratory tests to determine the pathogen and recommends what to do next. The study of fresh carcasses of chickens helps in the diagnosis.

Antibiotic treatment

In the treatment of colds and bronchial diseases, antibiotics are indispensable. Antibiotics should be started immediately if the following signs appear in chickens:

  • reddened eyes;
  • wheezing, sneezing and coughing appeared;
  • white discharge began to appear from the beak;
  • when breathing, gurgling sounds are heard;
  • the bird became inactive, lost interest in food.
  • The duration of antibiotic therapy is 5 days. Baytril, streptomycin, erythromycin, oxytetracycline, spiramycin and lincomycin are predominantly used.
  • Mycoplasmosis is perfectly treated with Tiamulin, and Tipozin is used to restore reproductive abilities.
  • If at least one bird in the livestock is sick, the whole herd is treated. When adding antibacterial drugs to feed for the treatment of livestock, 200 g of the drug is applied per ton of feed.
  • Sick chickens are subjected to intensive antibiotic therapy, to which the drug is diluted with water according to the instructions and instilled from a pipette into the beak.
  • The use of antibiotics also depends on the breed of chickens. For example, broiler chickens are given a broad-spectrum antibiotic Enrofloxacin or Baytril (for prophylaxis) from the third day of life, simply by adding it to the water. Even if one chicken from the herd is sick, all birds are subjected to antibiotic therapy. After antibiotic therapy, poultry meat and eggs should not be eaten for two weeks.


Colds in chickens are the most common. The main cause of the disease: violation of conditions of detention, hypothermia, drafts. The following symptoms indicate the development of a cold:

  • the chicken has heavy breathing;
  • she breathes through an open mouth;
  • chickens sneeze, may wheeze;
  • snot appears from the nose, a runny nose begins;
  • starts coughing.

Colds should be treated as soon as possible. Otherwise, it can be aggravated by serious bronchial complications.


Infectious laryngotracheitis is a respiratory disease characterized by inflammation of the mucous membranes of the trachea, nasal cavity, conjunctiva and is accompanied by heavy breathing, wheezing, coughing. The incubation period lasts from a couple of days to a month.

The first symptoms may appear after 3-7 days. In the acute course of the disease, individual individuals are first infected, after a week - the entire chicken coop. A sick chicken has:

  • lethargy and general oppression;
  • loss of appetite;
  • immobility;
  • the presence of whistling and croaking sounds in the larynx;
  • breathing through an open beak;
  • the bird may start coughing up blood;
  • due to swelling of the larynx, the bird may experience choking attacks or the bird shakes its head when it starts to choke, its neck stretches;
  • the rooster loses its voice;
  • your head may start to swell.

If chickens are left untreated, they begin to go blind. Mortality in acute form of laryngotracheitis reaches 60%.

infectious bronchitis

Infectious bronchitis is a new disease that can cause the death of the entire livestock. It can be easily confused with a cold, but if treatment does not improve, then infectious bronchitis should be suspected.

The causative agent of the disease is an environmentally persistent coronavirus that can survive for several weeks on bird feathers and up to 10 days on eggs. Chickens under the age of 30 days are most susceptible to pathology.

The source of infection is not only sick chickens, but also those who have been ill and have been carriers for more than three months. The spreader of the infection can be a person working in the poultry house, and even inventory.

Contribute to the spread of the virus: litter and a common drinker contaminated with the secretions of a sick bird.

Symptoms of the disease are as follows:

  • chickens wheeze: the nasopharynx is filled with mucus, a whistling sound is heard when inhaling;
  • start to sneeze;
  • chickens begin to stretch their necks to breathe;
  • conjunctivitis develops;
  • then cough.

In older hens, disturbances occur in the reproductive system. In this age group, the following phenomena can be noted:

  • egg formation is disrupted (the shell becomes discolored, thinner and softened, growths and bumps appear on it);
  • oviposition deteriorates. When walking, the laying hen lowers her wings and drags her legs.

It only takes three days for the infection to spread. The virus is airborne and active within a kilometer radius. Sick chickens die in 35%.


More often, bronchopneumonia is the result of an untreated cold. Bronchopneumonia is a dangerous complex disease that causes the death of a bird.

Causes of the disease:

  • staphylococcal or pneumococcal infections of the upper respiratory tract, spreading gradually to the underlying segments;
  • adverse effects of dampness or drafts;
  • complication of bronchitis.

More often sick with bronchopneumonia 2, 3-week-old young.

Main symptoms:

  • the breathing of a sick chicken becomes heavy, she breathes with an open beak;
  • wet rales are heard;
  • chickens begin to sneeze, cough and runny nose appear;
  • sick chickens become lethargic, inactive, they themselves cannot eat and drink;
  • sit disheveled separately.

Already on the second day, the loss of livestock may begin.


Mycoplasmosis is an infectious disease that affects chickens and is the result of excessive dampness in the house and poor ventilation.

Microorganisms Mycoplasma gallisepticum and Mycoplasma synoviae affect the respiratory organs and eyes. Usually young animals with a weakened immune system are susceptible to the disease.

The disease is transmitted:

  • from mother to offspring;
  • through water in drinkers;
  • by air.

Kura becomes infected extremely quickly due to the fact that the latent period of the disease can be up to three weeks. If chickens and chickens sneeze, in order to save the livestock, it is necessary to immediately isolate the sick.

The pathogen enters the mucous membranes, depresses the respiratory and reproductive organs, affects the immune system. Young animals are most susceptible to death as a result of this disease.

The virus can even infect an egg, so infected eggs and eggs from a sick mother should be destroyed immediately. The particular danger of mycoplasmosis is that any other bird can become infected from chickens: ducks, turkeys.


Young animals up to 2 weeks of age can often get sick with colibacillosis. The duration of the incubation period is 3 days. In the acute form, the bird's body temperature rises by one and a half to two degrees, thirst appears, the sick bird loses its appetite, then weight and weakens. At first she suffers from constipation, after a while diarrhea begins. Death is inevitable from intoxication and resulting sepsis. If treatment is ineffective, the acute form quickly becomes chronic.

Symptoms increase gradually. Vivid signs of the disease are:

  • diarrhea;
  • change in appearance - the bird sits disheveled and with dirty feathers;
  • strong thirst;
  • due to lack of appetite, the individual loses weight;
  • after a couple of weeks, shortness of breath and cough appear;
  • chickens wheeze heavily and often sneeze;
  • a scream and crunch is heard in the sternum;
  • the bird turns its head unnaturally.

Even if the sick chicken was cured, its development stops there.


Aspergillus is caused by the fungus Aspergillus, which affects the respiratory system. Aspergella is transmitted through feed grain: excessive dampness contributes to its reproduction.


  • dyspnea;
  • heavy breathing with dry rales;
  • the birds look tired and sleepy all the time.

In the acute course of the disease, mortality reaches 80%. Regular checks of feed grains, treatment of the grain storage area with antifungal agents, regular cleaning of the chicken coop and replacement of bedding will help to avoid an outbreak.

Aspergillus is treated with antifungal medications and adding copper sulfate to water and food for a few days.

General symptoms

Many diseases in birds begin with wheezing.

  • The breathing of a sick bird is very different from the breathing of a healthy one: whistling and screaming are heard. Mucus accumulates in the respiratory tract of the bird, provoking the occurrence of uncharacteristic sounds during breathing.

These first signs indicate the onset of colds, bronchial or other diseases.

As soon as the chicken begins to wheeze or sneeze, it must immediately be isolated from the livestock and the cause of the disease must be established in order to prescribe an effective treatment. Otherwise, one bird can infect everyone in the coop.

Breeding poultry is a laborious task, because you need not only to properly feed and maintain the livestock, but also take care of its health. Everyone knows that if a rooster or a laying hen gets sick, then the spread of the disease is possible, the appearance of new manifestations of it (chickens sneeze or gurgle in their throat), leading to death. But what to do in this case?

By reading this review, you will find answers to the following questions:

  • Why do chickens wheeze and have difficulty breathing?
  • How to avoid losses, what to do if chickens sneeze, wheeze and even cough?
  • What to do if the bird fester and eyes are closed?

Poultry lets the owner know that her health is undermined: her breathing and behavior change. At the initial stages of the disease, wheezing uncharacteristic for chickens appears, breathing becomes difficult, then sneezing is noticed, the chicken often breathes through its mouth. In the later stages of infection, when listening to a bird, you can notice something gurgling in her throat.

It has already been established that if chickens sneeze and cough, it is necessary to immediately isolate sick poultry, make a correct diagnosis and begin treatment.

Wheezing in chickens, whistling and screaming are symptoms of more than one disease. Here is a list of possible ones:

  • colds;
  • infectious bronchitis;
  • bronchopneumonia;
  • mycoplasmosis;
  • colibacteriosis.

To find the answer to the question of how to treat if the chicken wheezes and sneezes, you need to understand what poultry is sick with, so you will have to slightly understand the characteristics of the course of the above chicken diseases and understand what their cause is.

Symptoms of simple diseases

If the temperature regime in the chicken coop is not observed, hypothermia of the bird occurs, which can cause the development of an upper respiratory tract disease.

The symptoms of lung disease are as follows:

  • Difficulty breathing, hoarseness, the bird breathes through the mouth.
  • Swelling of the mucous membranes, the appearance of appropriate secretions, as with a runny nose.
  • Appearance of cough.

If it became noticeable that the egg production indicators of the chicken begin to decrease, while she walks with a constantly open beak, not wheezing, but full-fledged whistles are heard in the trachea, then it's time to hurry, because this is already an infectious lesion of the bronchi. At the same time, it is imperative to isolate the sick bird, otherwise, after a couple of days, you will notice wheezing in another chicken or even in the entire livestock.

If chickens not only have difficulty breathing, but birds also often open their mouths, strong wheezing and even whistling are heard from their chest, mucous secretions begin to appear when coughing and body temperature rises, then there is a possibility of developing a disease such as chicken bronchopneumonia. In other words, this is pneumonia, from which thousands of chickens die every year (they are the ones who get sick more often, as they have weak immunity). At the same time, the chickens feel weak, stop eating and drinking on their own.

The reasons why chickens die from wheezing are conditions that are unsuitable for them (coolness and humidity in the chicken coop, restriction of the mobility of birds, etc.).

How to recognize mycoplasmosis and colibacillosis

The answer to the question why chickens cough and wheeze may be the name of a disease such as mycoplasmosis. The mycoplasmosis virus is able to penetrate eggs, so it is clear that it can be transmitted not only by airborne droplets, but also when using common feeders and drinkers. No matter how scary it sounds, but the young cannot withstand this disease and die on the third day after infection. Therefore, in order to save the offspring, it is necessary to divide the livestock if the chickens cough and sneeze (sick offspring are quarantined).

It is not difficult to recognize such a disease. Here are the main symptoms:

  • inflammation of the mucous membranes, it is difficult for birds to breathe;
  • coughing, sneezing, birds breathe through the mouth;
  • since the immune system is damaged, the chicken vilifies.

It is important to know that the disease proceeds in 4 stages:

  • 2-3 weeks - the virus enters the body (birds do not get sick);
  • the appearance of frequent sneezing and coughing in poultry, poor appetite and gurgling;
  • a large number of antibodies in the blood;
  • death of affected individuals.

You can confirm this disease in a veterinary clinic by conducting the necessary studies. It is important to know that the rooster is the first to react to viruses, therefore, if a male starts sneezing, wheezing, you need to quickly respond: isolate the hotbed of the disease, disinfect the chicken coop, find out why the individual wheezed, if her neck is swollen, and proceed to treatment.

Chickens are more susceptible to colibacillosis.

How to recognize this disease if chickens sneeze and wheeze in many cases? The answer is obvious: to watch the young: the affected chicken does not eat, loses weight dramatically, is thirsty, has a temperature, first stops emptying, and then swears a lot, becomes lethargic. Chickens have a strong cough, with wheezing and crackling in the sternum, the bird is constantly bubbling, losing feathers, experiencing convulsions, as a result of which it can twist its head in an unnatural way, and dies.

It is difficult to treat this disease, because secondary infection is possible if the cough in chickens is not eliminated or, which happens more often, the disease reaches a chronic form.

Runny nose in chickens: features of its treatment

Often, along with sneezing, the bird may have a runny nose. It is not difficult to notice it: this is the secretion of mucus from the sinuses or formed crusts in the same area, which cause discomfort to the chicken. The infection can then spread to the eyes. At the same time, the chickens go blind or their sinuses swell, the birds begin to breathe heavily.

A runny nose can be treated with an antibiotic solution. Of course, this is painstaking work, but it is quite possible to cope with the task (you can study the visual video as a help).

What about chicks who find it quite difficult to do any rinsing? To treat this group of livestock, it is enough to use a special powder. If there is a veterinary clinic nearby, then you can safely contact it in order not only to purchase the right drug, but also to get a full consultation from a specialist.

Treatment of chickens with the appearance of sneezing and coughing

If the chicken wheezes, then what to do, how to treat it? The answer to this question will depend on the cause of the symptoms:

  • If chickens wheeze with colds, then you need to change the conditions for keeping the birds (insulate the chicken coop, remove excessive dampness), start strengthening the health of the chickens by offering them a decoction of nettles and other medicinal herbs. An undoubted advantage in preventing the development of diseases will be spraying the chicken coop with essential oils (as a special case, the use of special smoke bombs).

Important: the acceptable temperature in the room provided to the chickens must be at least 15 °. Remember: chickens begin to wheeze from hypothermia (a key reason for incurring losses associated with the farm).

  • If wheezing in chickens is a symptom of bronchitis, then it is enough to start using Lugol and disinfectants (for example, aluminum iodide). Plus, it is worth adjusting the conditions for keeping the bird.
  • If chickens cough and sneeze with bronchopneumonia, then you should immediately start using antibiotics, as well as disinfect the chicken coop and the surrounding area.
  • Severe coughing and wheezing of chickens caused by pathogens of mycoplasmosis is treated with special antibiotics such as streptomycin or spiramycin.
  • If the diagnosis is colibacillosis with all the consequences like breathing in chickens with wheezing, then the birds will have to be treated with antibiotics: biomycin, synthomycin or terramycin (every livestock owner should have). In this case, one course of treatment is 5 days.
  • Wet cough in chickens is treated with bronchodilators and anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • To restore egg production, it is enough to treat with tipozin. This is an injection that is administered to affected individuals at the rate of 3 mg per 1 kg of weight.

Important: if chickens wheeze and cough, and even more so if they die from wheezing, their meat and products should not be eaten. The same applies to the course of therapy in chickens.

In any case, as soon as a chick wheezes or it becomes clear that the chicks are coughing, they have difficulty breathing, the first action is to isolate the infected individuals. But the best option is to carry out preventive measures in advance so that the birds do not get sick: check the condition of the chicken coop, strengthen the immunity of the livestock. What should not be done is to let everything go on the brakes or self-medicate: in the first case, hoping for a chance can lead to an aggravation of the disease, and in the second, an incorrectly given drug or a confused dose can cause the death of the livestock. It is important to contact your veterinarian if symptoms occur.