Decor items master class Easter painting pysanka eggshell. Original do-it-yourself Easter eggs Where to buy a Easter egg

Painting eggs is a truly folk ritual. Traditionally, women painted them by hand, in seclusion from everyone. Water for painting was taken from seven sources or at the junction of three streams. At the time of painting, the woman had to completely immerse herself in the work in order to make patterns with good emotions and good wishes to those who will be the owners of Easter eggs.

Most Easter eggs were created in the spring, during the solstice. There was a belief that painting eggs with red paint at this time helps the sun gain vitality before the long summer.

Pysanka do-it-yourself

If desired, almost anyone can learn the craft of painting eggs. You can do this yourself, or by contacting an experienced master.

If you decide to start painting eggs, first prepare everything you need. For work you will need: an egg, a simple pencil, a candle, a brush (a special tool for painting), wax and a napkin.

First you need to wash the egg and boil it with salt water (for 2 liters of water 1 tablespoon of salt). An egg intended for long-term storage should be hollow, so if you want to keep your work for a long time, make small punctures in the shell and carefully remove the contents of the egg, then rinse it and dry it.

To create Easter eggs, it is recommended to use only natural paints. For example, green paint is obtained from the leaves of nettle and lily of the valley, or the bark of buckthorn and ash. Yellow paint is made from chamomile inflorescences and onion husks, and red paint is made from bird cherry berries or seeds and flowers of St. John's wort. Black paint is obtained by taking the roots of alder, and brown is obtained from the bark of an oak or apple tree.

To create the paint itself, it is necessary to soak the proposed plant material in cold water for a couple of hours. After this time, the resulting solution should be boiled over low heat: water with bark for about 3 hours, with leaves for 40 minutes, and plant inflorescences should be boiled for about half an hour.

The broth must be filtered and add 1 teaspoon of potassium alum to it. Such vegetable paint can be stored for no more than fourteen hours, so you should not stock it for future use.

A brush (pisachok) can be bought at a specialized store for creativity. If you can't find the right tool, you can try using a thin brush for manicure painting.

Apply the desired pattern to the shell, first with a pencil, and then with heated wax, trying not to go beyond the lines of the pattern. After that, dip the egg in the lightest paint you have prepared.

The next step is to reapply the wax and dip the egg into the darker paint. Such procedures are performed until the selected pattern is obtained. At the end of the painting, the pysanka is placed in the oven or kept for a short time over the candle. The remaining wax must be carefully removed with a napkin. In order for the finished pysanka to acquire a beautiful shine, it is rubbed with sunflower oil.

- a joyful and bright holiday of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. This day is one of the most important of the year for every Christian. Not surprisingly, there are many customs and traditions associated specifically with Easter. The roots of these rituals often go back to ancient times.

They are considered a real symbol of Easter. The tradition of painting eggs in honor of Easter appeared a very long time ago, but even today many people try to create these small, symbolic masterpieces with their own hands.

One of the varieties of Easter eggs is raganki . They have somewhat similar features with Easter eggs. The difference lies in the fact that for raganki, you must first boil the eggs and color them, preferably in a dark color. Then, when the eggs dry, a pattern is applied to their surface. This should be done with a sharp object, such as an awl or needle. Thus, the drawing is literally scratched into the egg.

Pennsylvania law graduate student Christina Luschas is a fan of this egg decorating technique. Passion for rags, according to Christina herself, helps relieve stress after class. Each egg is real and hollow. For scratching, the master uses a blade. Kristina is also fond of other folk crafts that are traditional for the Baltic countries, because her mother's roots go back to Latvia.

Easter eggs are another well-known symbol of Easter. Unlike krashanka, it will be a little more difficult to make them. Pysanka is an egg skillfully painted with various patterns. Melted wax is most often used for painting Easter eggs. The eggs are painted while still raw with the help of a special scribe. Then the eggs are boiled in a decoction of onion skins, the wax melts in hot water and the pattern remains on the egg. Pysankarstvo is a whole separate direction in folk craft, which has its own rules, techniques and recognized masters.

In addition to krashonok, raganok and pysanky, there is another type of Easter eggs, known as krapanki. To make specks, the eggs must be dyed in one color, then specks of wax should be applied to it in random order. Then the eggs are once again dipped in paint of a different color, as a result of which the wax melts, and round bright spots appear on the shell. Ready-made specks look very cute and childishly funny.

The best handmade and decorating ideas for DIY on the site

14 Apr 2012,

Pysanka is a symbol of the Universe.

Even before Christianity, spring was celebrated with the help of such works of art. It's farming time! Now Easter eggs symbolize religious themes and it is customary to give them for Easter. Do you have a free minute? Then it's time to get involved in an interesting activity. Rest assured, your family and friends will appreciate your efforts. Decide on a pattern that can be symbolic. Most often, the choice is made on what is associated with the Sun. All ornaments on Easter eggs can be divided into types. The basis of the circular is a spiral, and the weaving is often called a bee pattern. Diamond and wedge lines are key.

The pattern is selected. It's time to prepare everything you need for work. With a brush it is very easy to make an idea a reality, but a simple straw can also help. It is better to choose a small egg and prepare beeswax and food paints. You will also need a soft simple pencil, napkins, glass jars and a candle.

First, all lines are drawn with a simple pencil, and only then a layer of wax is applied. It is very convenient if you rotate the egg, and leave the brush motionless. Let's heat up so that the pattern becomes clearly visible.

It is better to paint from light to darkest shade. You can start with yellow and work your way up to black. Aniline dye is used only cold and 2-3 tablespoons of vinegar are added to fix it. There are a lot of colors you can use!

It remains only to melt the wax! Wiping an egg with a soft cloth, you will see a riot of colors before your eyes. If possible, then you can arrange a real composition.

Before the onset of Easter, there is an opportunity to dream up. Today everyone has heard about decoupage. Here's what can happen if empty chicken eggs are primed and napkin elements are used. Coat the product with varnish and the work of art is ready.

The beadwork is just amazing. Such a gift to a romantic person will be perfect for the holiday. When working, you can use various techniques. No time? Then you can make a precious egg with PVA glue and beads. The result is amazing too.

Even a child can make a golden or silver egg.

Interested in the baby and the creation of a magical animal

Different cereals can also be used in work

egg from hot air balloon? It's possible!

It is easy to decorate the egg with colored wire, and what effect

It is easy to dream up using various threads and ribbons.

Needlewomen will appreciate this version of the product. With the help of an ordinary hook, a very unusual souvenir is obtained. An egg in such a case will not break.

Pysanka can become not only a symbolic, but also a practical gift. The craftswoman will be able to prepare a small pillow for needles for Easter, which will take pride of place in any home.

Is the gift item ready? Just think about packaging. Pretty baskets will be just the way

The Easter egg is not only a custom, but also a part of history.

The tradition of painting eggs for Easter goes back very far. In the Slavic lands, the egg has always been considered a symbol of new life. On Easter, painted eggs are brought to church for consecration and these painted Easter eggs are presented to guests.

If in the past eggs were painted with natural dyes, today you can see masterfully decorated pysanky, which are in great demand among tourists.

Today we will talk about how to make an original pysanka with your own hands from improvised means.

For work, we need chicken eggs, a long needle, any white stationery glue (but not transparent) and multi-colored threads. Before starting work, the eggs must be washed and dried with a towel. From both sharp ends of the egg, it is necessary to make small holes with a needle and blow the contents of the egg into the vessel. From eggs, you can then cook scrambled eggs or any other dish.

Apply a thin layer of glue to part of the empty egg with a brush. Gently glue the beginning of the thread and gradually lay the thread into the pattern, changing colors.

It is easiest to start work from the middle of the egg.

Always apply glue to the part of the egg you are working on because the glue will dry quickly. When the pysanka is ready, you can attach a long thread to it, pulling it through the holes so that you can hang the product. In the work, you can use pieces of fabric, ribbons, beads and various rhinestones. In this case, everyone can let their imagination run wild. Such pysanky can also be made by school-age children. The activity gives them a lot of fun!

Many years ago, in preparation for Easter, we visited an Orthodox exhibition, the program of which included a master class on “pysankar” . symbols of Easter are still born . In general, I passed the master class. And now every year before the Holiday of the Holidays I draw several Easter eggs. Last year, little Xenia joined this magical business.

Multicolor Easter eggs

What do you need to paint Easter eggs?

  • empty hollowed out eggs;
  • candle;
  • wax (paraffin);
  • scribbler;
  • dyes for eggs or aniline dyes for fabric;
  • pencil;
  • a lot of rags or paper towels;
  • several half-liter jars;
  • spoons;
  • threads for pendants;
  • large needle or homemade wire needle.

Where to buy a scribbler?

  1. I found this tool before Easter in the market, where they sell all sorts of materials for needlework.
  2. In Kyiv, in fabric stores, such as “Textile-contact” or “Svitanok”.
  3. In needlework stores, such as Azur.
  4. At any Easter exhibitions or master classes.
  5. In online stores of goods for needlework.

How to blow eggs?

We used to make 2 holes in the egg with a needle and blow the egg out. But at the same time, the holes turned out to be wide and cracked. The year before last, we came up with the idea of ​​making holes with a very thin drill and a tool that is called differently: an engraver, a dremel. I think that such fraud can be carried out with the help of an ordinary drill and the smallest drill.

How to color a pysanka?

1. First you need to prepare everything-everything:

  • clean the table, cover it with oilcloth, newspaper or tablecloth, which is not a pity to get dirty;
  • find jars;
  • put eggs in the tray (so that they don’t suddenly roll away);
  • set the candle vertically (in a candlestick or stick with hot wax to a plate);
  • cut a part of a candle or another candle into thin pieces for writing;
  • prepare paper towels or soft cloths.

2. Prepare dyes. Professionals use special aniline dyes for fabric so that the pattern never fades or floats. I'm great at working with regular egg dyes as well. Each bag must first be filled with hot water in a separate jar. I take 2 sachets of 300 ml dye. water. There also add 1.5 tbsp. false vinegar 9%. The dye solution must be completely cool before dipping the eggs into it!

I usually cook: yellow, orange, red, blue and green. I used to have aniline black dye. But I haven't come across this one since. With black color, the eggs are very stylish and graphic!

3. Prepare a jar of diluted vinegar : 250 ml of water, 1 tsp. 9% vinegar.

4. Now we take the egg in our hands and begin to draw with a pencil. First, draw the auxiliary lines. This is necessary in order for the pattern to come out even. Then we enter the pattern in these lines.

5. We light a candle . We put a piece of wax in the pisachok and heat the pisachok over the fire. When the wax melts in it, you can begin work.

6. Gently guide the scribbler along the hole in the egg, increasing the amount of wax little by little to completely close the hole with wax . We also close the second hole in the egg.

7. When 2 holes are closed with wax, dip the egg for 10-15 seconds in a solution of vinegar . Tiny air bubbles will begin to appear on the surface of the egg. Quickly remove the egg from the solution and wipe dry with a cloth or paper towel.

8. Now we begin to draw with a scribbler along those lines that should remain white. Gently guide the scribe along the line while the wax is hot. When the wax has cooled down, we heat the pisachok again on the fire and draw again.

9. If all the necessary lines are painted over, you can lower the egg into the paint for 30-60 seconds .

If you decide to draw a multi-colored pysanka, then be sure to remember the rule for working with dyes : we color the pysanka from light to dark! For example, if you decide to draw a white-yellow-red-orange pysanka, then first you paint over the white parts with wax, then paint the egg yellow, paint over the yellow parts with wax and dip the egg in orange, paint over the orange parts with wax and, finally, dip the pysanka in red. Only in this order you can get the desired result! Dark-colored places you will not make lighter in any way.

10. When all the layers are ready, pick up a Easter egg and hold it over the fire at a distance of about 10-15 cm . The wax in the place of heating will begin to melt, it must be quickly wiped with a cloth or paper towel. Thus, in a little way, we clean the entire egg from wax. Waxed holes are also freed from wax. Pysanka is ready!

11. To turn a pysanka into a pendant, prepare a tassel pom-pom . To do this, you need to wind a thread around your hand, grab the top of the winding with another thread and tie it tightly. Cut the bottom of the winding with scissors. Tie the pom-pom with thread. Thread it into a long needle and pass the needle through 2 holes in the Easter egg. A great Easter gift is completely ready!

What to draw on an Easter egg?

Often you want to repeat old traditional patterns , but sometimes you want to invent something of your own. For example, last spring our project “Grow Smart!” was born. with a fox symbol. We decided to draw this little fox on an Easter egg for good luck :)

And to make it easier for you to find a suitable pattern, we opened our collection of Easter eggs in an album on Pinterest.

For more ideas, follow our link on Pinterest.

If you liked our master class, share it with your friends on social networks - perhaps they decide to draw their first ever traditional Slavic pysanka! ;)

Christ is risen!